Bill amidst the Green party supporters
who were the first to march onto the site.
He and Kerry Morris are the
only two Caucasians for miles around.
Luckily, they both remembered to wear white,
and after much negoitating with the police chief,
they were allowed into the neutral zone
reserved for the paparazzi and
surrounded by an army of police and a SWAT team.
As they were outsiders,
both were constantly photographed and interviewed
for the press, TV and the Web.
The delegates from the Green party
going in to sign nomination papers.
The election is on May 6th, after we leave the country.
Malaysian elections take only TWO weeks.
The day after, all the millions of flags are removed.
We found out from Edah's brother that
all the flags are "Made in China"!
So, this label is found everywhere!.