

The Terraced Fields
Our homestay was NGADAS, a serene village above the clouds at Mt. Bromo, East Java.
It consists of lovely dwellings with spectacular terraced fields perched at 2,150 meters above sea level.

Ngadas is the highest village on the island of Java and is flanked by deep gorges on the slopes of Mt. Bromo. 

The village lies within the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park and 
has been inaugurated as a Traditional Cultural and Official Tourism Village.

Noontime arrival at our high altitude homestay at NGADAS --
the highest village on the island of Java.
We were entranced by the amazing terraced field patterns, variety of crops, and natural vegetation.
A great day for photos in the brilliant sunshine.

After our hike for the sunrise on Mt. Bromo,
we were taken by a couple of the girls from Ngadas village for a tour.
The shawls worn by these young ladies indicate their marital status.
Knotted over the right shoulder - single.
Knotted in the centre, married.
Both of these young ladies have attended English school outside the village for six months.
The one in the centre is one of twins. CEO Vera Hutasoit is on the left of the photo.

The mist comes and goes...
Incredible that these are not just simple terraces, but they actually form patterns

It would be an amazing experience to work on the side of these hills.
The soil is fertile from volcanic ash,
but the choice of crops depends on whether irrigation is available.

A great variety of crops: cabbage, potato, cassava, onion, etc.

*** Farm buildings are scattered across the hillsides.
*** A chicken coop and farm equipment storage.

This is a mixed cemetery. There are Hindus, Muslims, Christians in this village.
As land is scarce, all religions are buried here.

Beautiful patterns.

Local farmers heading to their fields.

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*** This is quite the character. He doesn't have many teeth, speaks jibberish.
but certainly knows how to pose for pictures.
*** Here we go! Bill zipping off the trouser legs.

This was a precarious platform but made for a good reminder of where we are.



Part of the
Hillman Travel Adventures
Bill and Sue-On Hillman