*** Bill Chats (sort of) with
a Colourful Farmer on the Way to His Fields
*** Sue-On Prepares to Enter
the Village
We admired the many colourful
plants along the streets of the village
This is the Ngadas plant for
which the village was named.
It has a licorice fragrance.
It is used in cooking, so possibly fennel / anise.
*** Another shot of the Lady
Slipper-like plants seen on roadsides.
*** Probably Verbena Bonarensis
*** A temple being expanded
*** Sue-On at the entrance to
a Hindu temple
*** The Temple is opened only
when there is a special festival, which can be every month...
*** Our Local Guides described
the village's attractions
Colourful locals, chilling on
their front stoops.
They were quite interested in
our group.
This village appears to be more
prosperous from the looks of the houses.
The owners also take pride in
maintaining them.
*** A cutie who was helping Mom
with laundry.
*** The Village's Public Toilets
LOL! Not sure what this depicts
but funny and well done
Entrance to the founder's shrine
A burial shrine for the founder
of the village, his wife and a couple followers.
Part of the
Travel Adventures
and Sue-On Hillman