They shall not grow old, as
We that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them,
nor years condemn.
At the going down of the
sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Andrew Mynarski VC
Most aircrew will be familiar with the manner in
which Andrew Mynarski won his Victoria Cross. But they may not have heard
about the 8 ft 6 inch bronze statue of him, which was unveiled at the Durham
Tees Valley International Airport 5 June 2005
This airport which serves the industrialized area of Yorkshire
near large centres such as Darlington, Middlesborough and Stockton, sits
on the old 6 (RCAF) Group airbase named Middleton St. George. 419 Squadron
RCAF Bomber Command flew from this station and Mynarski,s Lancaster left
on its fateful flight from one of its runways.
Some time back the local newspaper, Northern Echo decided
that Mynarski’s heroic deed, was not well enough known. So it decided to
launch a campaign to raise enough money for a statue to be created and
placed in a prominent location in the airport, where it could be seen by
passengers as they passed by.
It was an expensive project and they made an appeal to
many quarters, including the Winnipeg Free Press, the Canadian Air Force
and the Wartime Pilots and Observers. A large crowd attended the unveiling
in spite of rainy weather. Two surviving widows of Mynarski’s crew members
were there to see Pat Brophy’s daughter Colleen Bacon unveil the statue
which was draped in a Canadian Flag.
16 Members of 573 Squadron Air Cadets were flown over
from Winnipeg for the ceremony. A local school choir led the singing and
they will become the beneficiaries of the excess funds. Full military honours
were extended. As the final notes of the trumpeter’s rendition of the Last
Post faded away a Lancaster from the RAF Memorial Flight, Coningsby, appeared
overhead and thrilled all present. Even Prime Minister Tony Blair became
involved because his constituency included Middleton St. George.
From Wartime Pilots and Observers Association.
Thanks to Weldy Moffatt, Editor of AEROGRAM, 600
RCAF Veterans Association (Regina) for sending the above material.
Many of our younger readers might not know the circumstances
surrounding this award
so the details are as follows:
June 12, 1944, 419 (Moose) Squadron, Midleton St. Georg,
UK. Mynarski was Mid Upper Gunner on Lancaster KB 726, ‘A-Apple’, briefed
to bomb the marshalling yards at Cambria, France. It was a low level raid
to bomb at 2000 feet. The run to the target was made through a veritable
hail of flak, then before reaching the objective the Lancaster was jumped
by a JU88 night fighter, which bore in from the port beam raking the aircraft
with cannon fire, and followed up with an equally devastating attack from
below and astern.
Both engines failed and a roaring fire erupted in the
rear of the Lancaster, just to the rear of Mynarski’s turret and spread
to the port wing, threatening to explode the petrol tank.
In the rear turret, F/O George (Pat) Brophy had taken
the brunt of the Junker’s attack having his hydraulic lines shattered,
leaving him with only his manual winding handle with which to rotate his
turret. His Skipper, Art de Breyne ordered his crew to bale out. Brophy
wound his turret towards the beam – then his winding handle sheared: he
was trapped helpless without outside aid.
Mynarski, obeying his Skipper’s last order, climbed down
from his turret and was about to go forward to the escape hatch, when he
glanced to the rear of the fuselage and realized Brophy was still in his
turret. Despite the raging fire, Mynarski scrambled through the flames
and began beating upon the jammed turret doors in attempt to get them moving..
His flying clothing, already saturated with hydraulic oil, burst into flames,
but he continued to try to free the turret doors. Brophy could see Mynarski’s
clothing burning and yelled at him to get out of the bomber before it was
too late.
Reluctantly Mynarski left his friend and made his way
along the fuselage to the escape hatch. Before diving through the open
escape hatchway, Mynarski straightened up, facing the rear turret, saluted
Brophy, as a sincere gesture of farewell: then with his clothing
and parachute a mass of flames, Andrew Mynarski jumped. At such a low altitude,
and in his physical state, he stood no chance of survival, and plunged
to he earth, where his body was discovered by a local Frenchman.
The crippled Lancaster exploded on impact with the ground;
yet, by some near miracle, Brophy’s turret was thrown clear of the burning
wreckage, and he survived along with the remaining members of the crew.
Only after the war, when his crew was repatriated to England from Prisoner
camps, was Mynaski’s story put before High Authority. On October 11, 1946,
Andrew Mynarski was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross – in attempting
to save a fellow gunner, he had jeopardised his only hope of personal survival.
Andrew’s crew, which also included Jim Kelly, Bob Brophy, Jack Friday,
and Roy Vigars, together with Mynarski’s sister, Mrs. Stephanie Hollowarty,
who holds his Victoria Cross in trust, met in 1984, at a war aircrew reunion
held in his home town, Winnipeg, where a school also bears his name.
Flying Officer Brophy remembers that Mynarski had found
a four-leaf clover shortly before the crew took off for the Cambia raid
from their base at Middleton St. George, County Dunham in North of England.
Mynarski handed it to him and said, “you take it.”
The Canadian restored Lancaster KB 726 named for the
Mynarski Lanc
The following article
gives us some insight to the
work performed by the Imperial War Graves Commission
Ted Hackett
The following article relates to the loss of Lancaster
SW251, and crew, of 44 (Rhodesian) Squadron RAF. This aircraft was
on an operation to Karlsruhe Germany on the night of February 2/3, 1945.
The eyewitnesses stated that it burst into flames and crashed between two
small towns with the loss of all on board. It was suggested that
it was hit by flak although, I suppose , there is the possibility that
it was attacked from below by a night fighter equipped with
upward firing guns. Whatever the cause, the damage to the aircraft
was such that the crew was unable to escape.
One of the gunners, Don Johnson, was an old schoolmate
of mine, we went through public school and on to high school together.
He joined up just before me and I followed him around for awhile, to No,.5
Manning Depot at Lachine and No.10 B&G School at Mount Pleasant, PEI.
I have been in contact with his sister, Mrs. Gwen Terentiuk of Ottawa,
over the years and she sent me the following information that was sent
to her Father at the end of the war. I think it shows the time and
effort put in by Graves Registration people and others to locate missing
airmen and , when found, to see that they are identified and laid to rest
in a proper manner. I would suggest that the Germans, despite what
we may have thought of them at the time, made an honest effort to identify
the downed airmen so that they could inform the International Red Cross
who in turn would notify the proper authority in the UK and in time the
next of kin. Many unsung heroes behind the scenes who worked long and hard
on behalf of the families of these airmen.
The articles referred to are as follows:
April 30, 1947. Original investigation of the Crash.
September 10, 1948 Letter to Mr. W.B. Johnson, father
of F/Sgt. Donald W. Johnson, Air Gunner.
March 5, 1953 Investigation Report signed by E. N. Baskins.
June 22, 1953 Letter to Air Ministry, Stanmore, Middlesex
from M.Crabbe.
Original Investigation of the Crash
Position of crash Stafford / Buechenau
Crew unknown. Particulars of burial: Separate graves,
one containing two bodies, no coffins at Buechenau Friedhof. Grave decorated
with green pine leaves and flowers and has a white cross with inscription
in black lettering. Hier ruhen in Gott ein unbekannter Kanadischer Flieger”.
Second grave at scene of crash containing human remains, grave is of crude
design, no coffin.
The two Buergermeisters, Herr Leopold Hasenfuss of Buechenau,
and Herr Mahier of Stafford had identical stories of the crash which resulted
in the following information.
The aircraft, a four engine Lancaster Bomber, Squadron
and aircraft number unknown, was taking paart in an air attack on the town
of Bruchsal on the night of Februaru 2nd. 1945 at approximately 23:20 hrs.
The aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft fire and immediately burst into flames
finally crashing in a wheat field between the villages of Buechenau and
Stafford. A rescue party was formed and proceeded to the scene of the crash,
but on arrival they found the aircraft well ablaze and with intense heat
coinciding with the explosions coming from burnt ammunition, all form of
rescue had to be abandoned. The aircraft was allowed to burn itself out.
On the afternoon of February 3rd. a search among the smouldering wreckage
for the dead began.
The remains of two humans were found and identified as
Canadian airmen by identity discs. The two bodies were removed immediately
to the Friedlhof at Buechenau where a mass burial with no coffin took place
on the afternoon of February 4th. 1945. No ceremony was performed at this
burial. When American occupation of the Bruchsal area took place, an American
graves Registration party visited the wreckage, which even to my visit
remains intact, and on suspecting the aircraft to be of American origin,
a search began. This took place on May 21st. 1946. As a result more human
remains were found and a grave was erected in the cornfield a few hundred
yards from the aircraft. Herr Mahier states the remains to be just bones
On my visit to the crash I notice that the engines were
embedded some four feet into the ground and on looking for aircraft identification,
I also came across human remains which were parts of leg bones. I gave
instructions to Buergermeister Mahier to keep the wreckage intact and,
in a few days time, exhumation for this crew will begin and the wreck will
be searched again for remains.
September 10, 1948 Letter to Mr. W.B. Johnson,
father of F/Sgt. Donald W. Johnson.
(in part)
It is with regret that I refer to the loss of your son,
Flight Sergeant Donald Wilfred Johnson, who lost his life on air operations
against the enemy February 3, 1945 ………
Although individual identification could not be secured,
it has been determined that the grave at Buchenau was that of your son
and Flying Officer O.W. Armstrong, the Navigator of your son’s crew.
……… Flight Lieutenant T.E. Gallivan, Pilot, and Sargeant
A. Ballach (Rhodesian), Flight Engineer, were found to be buried in the
cemetery at Staffort, and have been moved to the permanent British Military
Cemetery, Bad Tolz (Durnbach) which is located approximately forty-four
miles south of Munich, Germany. They are resting in Collective Graves 22
and 23, Row D, Plot 1, registered in their names, and your son and Flying
Officer Armstrong have also been moved to that cemetery, and are
resting beside them in Collective Graves 24 and 25, Row D, Plot 1, the
graves being registered in both their names.
Un happily, no trace whatever can be found of the three
remaining members of the crew, and their names will be commemorated on
a general memorial which will be erected to all those who have no ‘known’
graves. The British Military Cemetery at Bad Tolz will be cared for and
maintained in perpetuity by the Imperial War Graves Commission (of which
Canada is a member). The Commission will also erect headstones at the graves.
There are great numbers of these headstones to be erected, and it will
take some time. It will not be necessary for you to write to the commission,
as you will be contacted by them before the stone is prepared.
June 22, 1953 Letter to Air Ministry, Stanmore, Middlesex
from M.Crabbe
The Commission has forwarded a report from its representative
in Brussels to the effect that a French War Graves Registration Team, whilst
searching for the remains of a French casualty in Stafford Cemetery, Karlsrube,
Germany, opened a grave which was marked by a plain white cross with no
Skeletal remains of three airmen were found whom
they believed to be Americans, on the basis of remains of oxygen masks
of U.S. manufacture. The American Graves Service were advised and as a
result of their investigation, pieces of RAF clothing and a badge were
recovered, and the Commission’s Brussels representative was notified.
Subsequent examination established that there was one
complete body and a partial remains of two other airmen. As can be seen
from the Investigation report there are grave locations for four of the
seven crew members whilst Flight Sergeant I.H. Beaumont, F.C. Dufresne,
and Sergeant S.J. Bowden are recorded as missing.
According to the Kries file the remains of the three members
of the crew were buried at the time, in Stafford Cemetery but could not
be located when the case was first investigated. There seems little doubt
that these remains, now recovered, are those of the three missing airmen
but as two of the missing are Canadian airmen this Department wishes to
know whether you agree with the acceptance of these identities before replying
to the Commission.
A copy of the Exhumation Report ‘B’ is enclosed. It is
advised that this Department is unable to ascertain the identity of the
owner of the A.M. whistle from the particulars given.
We thank Mrs. Gwen Terentiuk of Ottawa, for supplying
these documents. Donald Wilfred Johnson was Gwen’s brother.
Wartime One Sided Romance
Short Bursts received a letter from a WAG Member in which
he relates his love affair with a WAAF in the UK. Many of our young
men, straight from the farms, high schools and urban centres of Canada
found themselves with an uncertain future in a strange land. This loneliness
led to relationships with the English ladies.
I’m sure many of our Members will relate to his story.
During 1942 there were no WAAFs on our base and the place
was wild and unruly. Early in 1943 things changed. The WAAFs appeared and
their compound was just off the base. When word got around that the Yanks
were bothering the girls, a high fence was constructed around their billets.
Our crew huts were lined up on the road to the station gate which was the
route the WAAFs took on foot or bicycle coming to and from shifts on the
When we were not flying we would sit outside in the evening
and watch the girls go by. I started to notice one girl who strode by tall,
erect, and good looking. But how to meet her in a gentlemanly way? We always
seemed to be flying when there was a function on at the station. This went
on most of the summer, then I saw her walking out on the arm of a man.
I had never met her but I was jealous!
In November I completed my tour and was awaiting a posting.
The tannoy announced a class in ballroom dancing. Being bashful of girls
and never having danced, I thought this might be a good opportunity to
solve both problems. I reported and got ticket #1.
The first night I am nervously waiting in the Gym when
a WAAF approaches me and says, “how about you and me being partners?” It
was the girl I had worshipped from afar! I went weak at the knees, my tongue
was stuck to the roof of my mouth and there was nowhere to run and hide.
How am I ever going to take this girl in my arms and start dancing when
I had never danced before? It was a relief to learn that the steps to the
fox-trot and waltz were marked out on the floor and we learned individually.
Eventually we took our partners in our arms and were soon accomplishing
the steps, even gliding through the tango.
She loved shooting and joined the rifle club I had formed.
She also liked bicycle riding so we would take an afternoon off to ride
around the countryside and have lunch. On New Years Eve the Sgt’s mess
threw a party. We went to the dance together. Around 12 midnight a bunch
of Officers crashed the party and started passing my girl from one to the
other and I’m out in the cold. I didn’t even get to escort her home to
her barracks. Then she was posted to another base. But we did have a final
date, bicycled in the country, had a few ales. Back at the barracks we
held hands and experienced our first and only kiss.
I was posted to #1 Radio School Cranwell and while there
received a letter from my WAAF saying she wished to communicate. After
my W.O.M. course at Cranwell, I was sent home to Canada on leave. When
I returned to the squadron for my second tour correspondence continued
between us but we never met. My WAAF was posted to Cairo, Egypt.
On returning home after the war, I kicked around the country
but could not settle down.
In November 1947 there was a squadron reunion in Toronto.
I took my sister and it was a great affair reuniting with old friends.
Suddenly this girl is standing in front of me and says, “do you not recognize
me?” It was my WAAF! She said, “I would like you to meet my husband,
Tommy.” Wham, I was like a post!
I moved out to the west coast and one day received a letter,
forwarded from home, from my WAAF.
“I didn’t know the girl you had with you was your sister
or we would have had a good talk. Another opportunity lost. It seems to
me that every time opportunity knocks the phone rings too. Instead of answering
the door, I answer the telephone. After three months of marriage I feel
I’d give anything to relive the last twelve months of my life.”
Wow, makes one think! I drifted for another three years,
returned home to marry a young lady who lived almost on our doorstep, and
settled on the old homestead. We raised a family and have stuck together
through thick and thin.
But that is not the end of the story. In 1980, as I could
not forget her, I decided to find out what happened to my WAAF. After searching
contacts in England and Toronto, I got an address in a town about 50 miles
from home. I wrote and received the following reply.
“Nov. 28, 1980.
My life has been pretty uneventful the past 35 years
– two children. We lived in Toronto from 1947 to 1959 and then bought the
store, Ladies Finery. Been back to England more times than I can remember.
All in all we have been very fortunate, three good meals a day, a host
of friends, and a good warm house. Have had two holes-in-one at the golf
course and a perfect hand at cribbage, also the daily double at the track
a few times Vacationed in the Canary Islands and the Caribbean many times.”
One day in mid November 1989 I got a phone call from her
daughter advising of her mother’s death. I determined to go to the funeral
but the roads were closed due to a raging snowstorm. A final chapter to
what I call a one sided romance.
But one must ponder, - was it? I will never know.
Report from B.C. Branch
Greetings from the B.C. branch: In the September issue
you alerted us about the UK visitors coming to Boundary Bay. On the 18th
September the 801 Vancouver Wing of the Air Force Association of Canada
held a Battle of Britain commemorative parade to honour the heroism and
sacrifices made by air and ground crews of Allied Forces over 65 years
ago in the late summer of 1940. The event was held in brilliant sunshine
and some 650 air cadets and their bands from Vancouver, the Lower Mainland
and the Fraser Valley took part. The reviewing officer was 91-year–old
Group Captain Alex Jardine, AFC, RCAF (retired), of Victoria, B.C. The
BC branch was represented by our leader Chairman Stan Sullivan, J.W. “Doc”
Cumbers, who has long been associated with the Air Cadets and still is
and myself. At the reception following the event we went looking for the
UK visitors only to be told that they were now back in the UK having left
on the previous Thursday. Whilst in BC for approximately a week they were
well received in Abbotsford and at Boundary Bay and well looked after according
to one of the organizers of their visit. This was memorable day for everyone
Dave Sutherland
“Doc” Cumbers (L) and Chairman Stan Sullivan
Group Captain Alex Jardine accepting a gift from
Victor Nordquist, President of the 801 (Vancouver)
wing of the Air Force Ass. Of Canada.
Report from Southern Alberta
Jack Denmee, our past Supplies Officer, advised that
Larry Robinson is now the President of their Branch. Larry can be reached
Larry Robinson
Box 179
Okotoks, AB. TOL 1T0
(403) 938-4105
Doug Penny, Past President, is bothering the nurses in
hospital again. We spoke with Doug and he sounded up beat as ever. Get
well soon Doug.
Subject: Dougal MacGillivray
I have just recently heard the story of Dougal's flying
home the damaged plane. I wondered if you could tell me where I could learn
more about him and when and where he was awarded the DSO.
Thank you
Florence MacLeod
571 north St #17
Sault Ste Marie, ON P6B 6K7
I am assuming that you have come across the account given
in a back issue of our Ex-Air Gunners Webzine:
Short Bursts -- back issue, January 2003
I don't have any other information at this time but have
forwarded your request to John Moyles, the editor of Short Bursts and to
Stephen Hayter, the director of the Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum
of Brandon.
Hopefully we can track down some more info for you.
Bill Hillman
Editor – Can anyone help Florence?
Haaltert-BELGIUM 16 October 2005
To: John and Doreene MOYLES
Dear Mr. and Mrs. MOYLES,
The veterans ass. of HAALTERT-BELGIUM would like
to inaugurate next year on 29 August 2006 at MOERBEKE-WAAS Belgium an special
commemorate plaque about the crash of Wellington bomber reg. DF 673 base
Mildenhall (Eng.) a tribute to the crew who died at the crash and buried
at the Canadian cemetery of ADEGEM-BELGIUM.
Crewembers: H.D. BAITTLE (Royal Canadian) air observer
and Jewish, DAVIS S.B.T R.A.F pilot, HILTZ L.D airgunner Royal Canadian,
MCKAY D.A. Royal Canadian air gunner, C.H. VICKERS R.A.F pilot.
The crash at MOERBEKE-WAAS date 29 August 1942.
* Can any one help us to bring us in contact with the
family members, especially the Canadian crewmembers. Thanks for the help.
Yours sincerely,
veterans ass. HAALTERT-BELGIUM
We'd be very grateful for a mention or for you to just
let people know about The Halifax Aircraft Families Association.
We're part of the Halifax Aircraft Association at Trenton. We are a group
of second and third generation Hali descendants who share information on
how to find service records, flight details, links, memoirs and so forth
with an emphasis on families that start out knowing nothing. We have a
distinguished group of vets and historians who make sure we're accurate,
but mostly we are sharing research information that takes hours and loads
of blind alleys to find.
Lately, we have been getting requests in from former aircrew
who are looking for one another so our mission is expanding. Since
we've only just started up and our database is limited as yet, we're hoping
to contact the squadrons and related associations. I have for example a
gentleman from the 502 coastal command who is looking for his pilot. He's
the only 502 I have in my database and I'd like to be able to give you
a heads up and see if you have someone. In return, of course, I'll share
everything we have and you can feel free to use it. We'd just ask that
you give the Trenton group a nod for supporting us.
We have a newsletter and a sheet on tracking former aircrew
and we are building a website to make this information more easily available.
We can be found at
but we hope you'll keep in mind that its under construction.
Thank you
Diana DeLuca
(Donald Campbell, 640 Squadron KIA May 1944)
Bill Hillman
The BCATP 4-hour Documentary:
Bomber Boys: The Fighting Lancaster
will premiere on History Television
during Remembrance Week
in the coveted 8 pm Eastern time
Episode One - Monday, November
Episode Two - Tuesday, November
Episode Three - Wednesday, November
Episode Four - Thursday, November
Dave Sutherland
Just recently I was given a tattered manual on “6 Group
Historical Review”. It is fascinating reading even for a guy like me from
5 Group.
I got permission from the owner to copy it and a friendly
printer did an outstanding job and bound it at the same time. Our local
ACA branch members are keen to get copies for themselves.
The manual is comprised of 90 pages and covers the period
from the formation of 6 Group in 1943 to the end of the war in '45. The
table of contents has 16 items ranging from a Foreword, a History, Group
Tactics, etc and a list of the operations undertaken by the Group in operations
against Germany. The Operations are the major part of the Review and takes
up some 40 pages. It is a must read for anyone who flew in 6 Group.
I will undertake to get the printing done and I can be
contacted at:
Dave Sutherland,
Suite 2003, 4350 Beresford Street,
Burnaby, B.C. V5H 4K9
Phone at: 604 - 431- 0085.
email: distilledwater4@shaw.ca
The price is $10.00 + $2.50 for mailing anywhere in Canada.
Excess monies will go to the local ACA branch general
funds and the Halifax Restoration Project in Trenton.

If you are interested in obtaining a copy of 6 Group Historical
Review, put your order in with Dave.
Contact. Nanton Lancaster Museum tests
rebuilt engine on their Lancaster FM 159.
Who is the brave soul under the wing?
Avid readers will remember that in our September
2004 Short Bursts Issue FM 159 was shown minus its starboard inner.
We thank Ted Hackett for these pictures. Ted was present
when the engine was tested and he commented that many in attendance had
not heard that sound for 60 years. Our thanks go out to the many dedicated
volunteers who donated their time and expertise to make this memorable
moment possible.
Dear John
Just a short note.
I thought that you might be interested in the link to
our regional Aviation Museum at Temora in New South Wales.
This excellent museum has restored a flying Hudson Bomber
- an aircraft that many AG and WAG aircrew (including my father) trained
in Canada during world war 2. (All their Aircraft at Temora have
been restored to flying condition and a visit is recommended.)
I have included the link to the museum and the aircraft
in particular, which I saw flying in conjunction with a Typhoon and Spitfire
in a combined flyover last weekend. I thought that it may be of interest
to you and for possible inclusion in Short Bursts.
Regards Chris McQuellin
(Ed: there are some interesting pictures of
aircraft on this site.)
Lockeed Hudson
DH – 82A Tiger Moth
WAGs who graduated from # 2 Wireless School, Calgary,
Alberta, will recall doing their air exercises in the Tiger Moth.
Please send Obituary notices to Charlie Yule: yulec@mts.net
HISCOX, Earl: Mbr. #0224, Winnipeg, MB: Born in
1920, Earl passed away peacefully on Friday,October 14, 2005 at the Misericordia
Health Centre. Earl is survived by sister M. Huber of Boston, MA.,
as well as two daughters and two Grandchildren. He was predeceased
by his wife, Florence, and a brother.
Earl enlisted in the RCAF as R84009 attending #1 Manning
Depot, Toronto. He began his service in the capacity of General
Duties for a period of time. He was made 'Acting Corporal' (unpaid)
and put in charge of a Billet Hut for Aircrew trainees. Finding this
duty a bit tedious - trying to control a group of unruly 'aircrew wannabes'
- it wasn't long before he remustered for Aircrew Training himself, basing
his decision on the old adage, 'If You Can't Beat 'em, join 'em'.
He was selected for Wireless Airgunner Training which began at #4 Wireless
School in Guelph, ON. He received his WAG brevet upon completion
of his Gunnery Training at #1 B&G Jarvis, ON.
Following his arrival at Bournemouth in the UK he attended
several 'refresher courses' which included stops at #4 Signals School at
Hereford, #3 RDFS at Prestwick and the RAF station at Hooton Park.
He was then posted to #4 OTU Invergordon where he was 'crewed up' to commence
training in Catalina Flying Boats. Upon completion of that training
he and his crew were posted to #422 Squadron in Coastal Command at Oban
where they converted to the mighty, four engine powered, Sunderland Flying
Boats, during September 1942.
After service with 422 Squadron, serving at various stations
including Bowmore, Isle of Islay, Castle Archdale, Loch Erne in Northern
Ireland he completed his tour in July '44. Earl was 'screened' and
selected for Gunnery Leader Training at Catfoss, Yorkshire, following which
he was posted back to Invergordon as Station Gunnery Leader, attaining
the rank of Flying Officer.
Among the things of which Earl was particularly proud
were: During his service he had held all eight ranks from A/C2 to Flying
Officer, plus having earned the 'Goldfish Badge' after surviving the crash
of their aircraft and being adrift for 3-1/2 days with his crew in two
Life Rafts lashed together on the Bay of Biscay in September of 1943.
Earl had managed to get off an 'SOS' message just moments before they had
to abandon the doomed machine. They were picked up by an Air Sea
Rescue Sunderland on what was described as being 'the last attempt' to
locate them. He, of course, earned what he called the usual Spam
Medals, but his most favoured service trophy was his WAG WING which held
a 'place of pride' in his heart.
Charley Yule, Earl Hiscox, Bill Hillman, John Moyles
Occasion: Presenting complete set of Short Bursts
to the CATP Museum, Brandon, Manitoba.
In Earl’s obituary Charley Yule mentions Earl’s crew ditching
in the Bay of Biscay and spending three and one half days in life rafts
before being rescued. An interesting comment from LIFE and TIMES of 422
SQUADRON quotes Earl as follows:
“Someone thought they could hear engines and Ralph
Riskin shouted, “there it is.” Someone ripped the igniting tab from a flare
and a red star shot up. The aircraft did not alter course. Suddenly the
Skipper, Jacques De Le Paulle shouted, “douse that second flare; it has
six engines.” The only aircraft that fitted that description was a Blohm
& Voss BV222, called a Wiking, troop transport. What the enemy
aircraft was doing in the Bay of Biscay we could not imagine……….”
To obtain more information go to http://www.georgian.net/422sqdrn/
and click on link
422 Association Honourary Executive Director Up Up and
Away October 14, 2005.
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 9:49 AM
Subject: Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada) - PROGRESS REPORT
Dear Members and Supporters,
Please find attached, hot of the presses, Progress Report
Sorry, but unable to include the photos with the report.
They can be seen on our website version of this report at
We will Remember Them
Best regards,
Karl Kjarsgaard
Project Manager
Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada)
email: 57rescuecanada@rogers.com
Phone 1 - 613 - 835 -1748
Editor’s Report
Another Remembrance day is approaching. To many of us
every day is Remembrance Day. As years slip by the young faces of those
we lost become more vivid.
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them.
We thank the B.C. and Southern Alberta Branches for their
reports, also Ted Hackett for his contributions.
Winter winds are coming and we will soon be hunkering
down in the homestead. There will be time to put pen to paper and send
us some articles for future Issues of Short Bursts.
We will be back in December .
Keep well.
John & Doreene Moyles