Svend Jensen (L) Ex-Air Gunner, President, Northern
Alberta Branch, being
presented with 100 Anniversary Medal by the
Rt. Hon. Norman Kwong,
Alberta Lt. Governor “for helping Albertans
live a better life”
Svend has been an active Member of the Ex-Air Gunner’s
Association. One of his contributions is interviewing Members and compiling
a record of their life histories.
The Globe and Mail
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Mieczyslaw (Mark) Oziewicz, RAF Wireless Operator
at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, Hamilton, Ont.,
in front of the Lancaster. Mark flew in Lancs during the war.
Mark Oziewicz was living in east Poland in 1939. Under
Russian control he was sent to perform slave labour in a Russian copper
mine in the Ural Mountains. Two years later, with thousands of other Poles,
he made his way to England by way of a treacherous journey through Northern
Russia, Central Asia, The Middle East, and Africa. Thousands died
of disease. In Africa he boarded the CPR ship, Empress of Canada. The ship
was torpedoed and sunk by an Italian submarine. Mark was picked up by RMS
Mauretania and finally arrived in England.
This explains why he became so fatalistic. “I don’t remember
ever being scared,” he said of the bombing missions, “what happened, happened.
That’s it.”
Members of the Canadian Ex-Air Gunners Association wish
you good health Mark.
The following was written by Estanislao Oziewicz, Mark’s
“ Royal Air Force Warrant Officer Mieczyslw Oziewicz will
be 89 in a few months and he lost most of his hearing long ago, but the
shattering roar of the four powerful engines of the Lancaster bomber could
never be forgotten.
“I never thought I would ever see one again, a great plane,
the best,” he said, smiling and giving a thumbs up.
In the decades since his demobilization, my father has
not been anywhere near a Lancaster, until yesterday when, on a day of Remembrance,
he joined more than 1,000 others at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum,
outside Hamilton.
It is the home of one of only two airworthy Lancasters
remaining of the 7,000-odd that were built; the other is in England and
maintained by the RAF’s Battle of Britain Memorial Flight display group.
My father, Mark, as he became known after immigrating
to Canada in 1953, had already endured years of suffering, dislocation,
extraordinary hardship – and adventure – before joining the RAF Bomber
In the last four months of the war he flew 17 combat operations
into enemy Germany dodging flak and enemy fighters, not always successfully,
in Avro Lancaster Bombers of RAF Group One’s 300 Polish Squadron based
at Faldingworth, England.
On my father’s final sortie, the April 15, 1945, bombing
of Berchtensgaden, Hitler’s Bavarian mountain retreat, his plane was hit
by flak and machine-gun fire, wounding the pilot and the flight engineer
and forcing an emergency landing out side of Reims, France, with one engine
billowing smoke, the fuselage peppered with shrapnel and one of its two
front tires blown.
But even with his bandaged leg, pilot Jan Witkowski was
able to bring the plane down safely – right at the very end of the runway
and around 180 degrees. “The whole crew must have been born under a lucky
star”,” my father recalls. “We again won the lottery.”
They won it again after the war’s end when their Lancaster
crashed in England during a training flight, skidding on its belly perilously
close to an ammunition depot.
Wearing steel reinforced vests to protect them from flak
splinters, leather and fleece lined suits to keep them warm, and oxygen
masks in upper altitudes, my father used to sit in the space for wireless
operator, maintaining radio contact and tapping out morse code.
“It’s a lot smaller than I remember,” my father, a man
of few words, said after boarding the Hamilton museum’s plane.
Escorting German prisoners
from Canada to England September 1945.
by Ray Bishup
I believe most of the PoWs were officers, Air Force,
and were held out West. My story was that I was being trained as a Navigator
in Summerside, P.E.I. in June, July August 1945. In August the war in Japan
finished and training was stopped. We were to be returned to England at
the end of August by sea – the vessel was the Nieuw Amsterdam, Dutch luxury
lines, built about 1936/39.
On the vessel there was a group of German PoWs, I believe
about 180, to be repatriated. One of my jobs was as a guard on PoW’s quarters,
on a basis of 4 hours on and 8 hours off for the duration of the trip –
about 4/5 days.
We were armed with sten guns and .303 rifles with live
ammo. Stens, being unpredictable, fired a few times on their own with no
injuries. The .303 rifles were loaded with 5 rounds, all held in the magazine,
none in the breech.
On handing over to the next shift you had to check the
rifle to ensure all the bullets were locate in the magazine, with none
in the breech. This was done by each person when receiving the rifle from
the previous guard. The method was to click open the rifle bolt, but only
as far so you could see the bullets in the magazine, but not in the breech,
close the rifle and release the pin by pulling the trigger. If done correctly,
there is no bullet in the beech.
After handing over my rifle, with all the bullets I the
magazine, the person receiving it did not just open the rifle to check
the magazine, he pulled the bolt right back, pushed it forward, (placing
the bullet in the breech), and squeezed the trigger. “Bang”, the rifle
fired and scared the hell out of everyone. The bullet went through the
PoW’s quarters and finished in the ceiling, breaking a light bulb on the
The PoWs slept in two tiered bunks, and luckily the person
on the top bunk was lying down, resting. If he had been sitting up, he
would have got the bullet right about the eyes.
John Moyles
Ray’s article brought back memories of the Sten
Sten Gun MK II
Ray Bishup states that the Sten was unpredictable. On
some squadrons ground Senior NCOs were issued the Sten. The weapons were
known to fire a round when the butt was slammed onto the ground.
I roomed with a warrant officer accounts chap who was
a stickler for deportment. His brass and shoes always shone, his uniform
pressed to perfection. When on parade the Commanding Officer always selected
his Sten gun for inspection, knowing full well that the weapon would be
oiled and clean.
One afternoon, after an 18 hour patrol, I crawled into
the sack exhausted. But sleep was prevented by a raucous Raven that persisted
on cawing. I got out the Warrant Officer’s Sten, slammed home a magazine,
and emptied it at the annoying bird. I don’t think I hit him but there
was no more disturbance and I was able to drop into a deep sleep.
The next morning, before I was up, there was an inspection
parade that my accountant roommate had to attend. I had not told him of
the Raven incident. I don’t know who was more surprised, the Commanding
Officer or the Warrant Officer, when they looked down the barrel.
At the time I was a Warrant Officer First Class, quite
above suspicion.
What happened when a soldier accidentally dropped
his Sten
23, 2005.
Regina Leader Post
“Raid Yields Machine Guns – Ten people are facing a total
of 184 charges relating to drugs and weapons found in homes …… The spoils
of seizure included two .357 hand guns, two .22 shotguns, bullet proof
vests reinforced to withstand high-powered bullets, clips and shells from
an AK-47, two hand guns, and four functional Second World War STEN GUNS.”
So Gentlemen, the Sten is still with us, albeit for different
reasons, and in less responsible hands.
National Post November
8, 2005
Eric Johnson, pilot, accepting gift from Danish Underground
(note engine still running)
At 4 a.m. on May 6, 1945, Johnson piloted his Halifax
bomber from his home station at No. 502 RAF Squadron on the Isle of Lewis
in Northern Scotland. His orders directed him and his six man crew to Skagerrak
between Sweden and Denmark. Allied Intelligence claimed German forces were
attempting to consolidate manpower and armaments in Northern Germany. Their
orders were to destroy any German shipping .
They bombed some ships but return fire ruptured an oil
line in one of the engines. Johnson got permission from his home base to
land a Copenhagen but when they arrived the city was shrouded in fog. Johnson
flew his damaged Halifax up the Danish Peninsula towards Aalborg, which
he assumed Allied troops had liberated. Johnson made a low pass over the
town to check for enemy activity. He got a green light from the tower,
landed, and taxied to the control tower. Only then did they notice that
there were no allied aircraft on the field.
Johnson kept one of his engines running to power the gun
turrets in case they were attacked. The airdrome was obviously still in
German hands. Suddenly a Daimler staff car wheeled into view with the stations
Commandant and his Adjutant in full uniform. They leapt from the vehicle
and began addressing the crew. The Engineer, Jock Horn, who could
speak German said, “they are surrendering the airport.”
Then, smashing through the fence at the far side of the
airfield came ten cars loaded with people. They were the Danish Underground.
A Dane named Thorkille, stepped forward and presented Johnson with a hastily
wrapped gift and the flag of the national resistance movement.
For the next 12 hours Johnson and his crew were driven
down main street before cheering crowds, taken to the Phoenix Hotel as
guests of honour, wined and dined, and given a tour of the Gestapo headquarters.
men of Bomber Command were both proud of their service and talented. It
is only natural that those with access to materials and tools would, in
their spare time, continue the trend of previous wars, with the production
of what has become collectively known as “Trench Art” – a souvenir of wartime
This fine sample was probably made from the wreckage of
a downed or badly damaged aircraft, combining both metal and plexi-glass
into the model. The black base is actually made of oak. It has a wingspan
of 18 cm., and a body length of 13.5 cm., it stands 26.5 cm. High.
Regretfully, few items of “Trench Art” were ever dated,
named, or otherwise identified by the maker when they produced their souvenir.
Most often, such items were given to family and friends, or on occasion,
retained by the individual as a keepsake of his/her service.
Trench Art is a vast, varied category for collecting,
with recent publications expanding on the history and development of different
forms of the topic.
The sample pictured is held by the Homefront Archives
& Museum collection. Regina, SK.
US/Canada edition:
by William Ash and Brendan Foley
Published by Thomas Dunne Books (St Martin's Press)
ISBN: 0312338325
C$34 in most bookshops, but
Amazon Canada have it for about C$23.
UK/Rest of world edition:
UNDER THE WIRE by William Ash and Brendan Foley
by Bantam Press, (Transworld Publishers)
ISBN: 0593054083
http://www.underthewire.com |
I'm a London-based author and spent the last
few years helping one of America's greatest unsung heroes of WWII, William
Ash, put together his wartime autobiography UNDER THE WIRE, which has just
been published in USA and Canada.
Bill, who just celebrated his 88th birthday, is probably
the greatest living US prisoner of war escape-artist of WWII. Born in Texas,
he joined the RCAF in 1940 and flew Spitfires until shot down in 1942.
He then became a serial escape artist, attempting 13 PoW-camp escapes -
cutting through the barbed wire, climbing over it, or tunnelling under
it before finally escaping for good.
When the book came out in the UK a few months ago, it
became an instant best-seller, but somehow it has been almost completely
ignored so far by the media in North America. The only thing we can do
to get Bill and his book the recognition they deserve in the US and Canada
is to turn to the internet and people who care about WWII and the people
who fought it for us. So I would be very grateful if you would forward
this note to anyone who you think might like the book or help to spread
the word that it is out there, available at most good bookshops or online
at Amazon
I have sent this note as a one-off to individual email
addresses from my favourite WWII/aviation/history websites, forums and
guest books, but would really appreciate it if you could spread the word
to anyone who you know cares about WWII and keeping the spirit and history
of the 'greatest generation' alive for future generations. It is in the
bookshops now.
Sincere thanks,
Brendan Foley
Veteran William Ash and author Brendan Foley

Comments from authors:
What a splendid book! A young Texan brought up in the
middle of the Depression who pulls himself up by his boot straps, thereafter
hikes to Canada to fly Spitfires for the Brits while America is still neutral.
Just as the U. S. enters the war, he is shot down, and another exciting
and terrible episode in his life begins. Living under terrible conditions
he makes several attempts to escape until he finally succeeds in saving
himself and many of his fellow POWs. This is a moving and heroic story
of a young man who overcomes all obstacles with a sense of humour and succeeds
in the end. Hollywood should snap this book up in a flash. Buy it, read
it, enjoy it.
Charles Whiting, author of Hero, Life and Death
of Audie Murphy
Under the
Wire is a well-written and exciting memoir of wartime captivity that
is packed with incident and vividly recreates the oft-neglected early days
of Stalag Luft III and the now forgotten mass escape from Oflag XXIB, Schubin
- a sort of dress rehearsal for the famous Great Escape. The author himself
is one of the great unsung heroes of the Second World War, as are some
of those whose adventures he records in this remarkable book. It also makes
a refreshing change to read a memoir by someone who is politically literate
and knew exactly what he was fighting against and what he was fighting
for.’ There are passages in this book - particularly those concerning the
political awakening of POWs and their determination to create a better
post-war world - that make the reader want to stand up and cheer.
Charles Rollings, author of Wire and Walls, Wire
and Worse
Under the
Wire is everything I would expect from a memoir by Bill Ash -- fast-paced,
exciting and moving, but also coloured by his mischievous sense of humour.
He has a real gift as a storyteller -- the characters and events come off
the page as if we were meeting and experiencing them ourselves. Bill Ash
was one of the great escape artists of the Second World War, and always
managed to put himself in the centre of the action. He endured a lot, but
never lost his essential humanity and zest for life, something that comes
through very strongly in his book. That's what makes Under the Wire
such a joy to read -- getting to know the irrepressible Ash and reliving
his adventures with him.
Jonathan Vance, author of A Gallant Company: The
Men of the Great Escape
Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada
During WWII, congratulates William Ash.
"The Forgotten Hero"
The Wartime Memories Project are pleased to announce
that the DVD "The Forgotten Hero", is now available.
Documenting the story of the Statue to Andrew Mynarski
VC, which was unveiled at ex. RCAF Middleton St George in June. The DVD
tells a brief the history of RCAF Middleton St George, and the men who
flew the hazardous missions, including interviews with veterans, telling
their experiences in their own words. The film provides a lasting record
of these men whose numbers are slowly diminishing, invaluable as an educational
tool for the future. The story of Andrew Mynarski is retold, accompanied
by a dramatic reconstruction of the events.
The story of the making of the 8 ft bonze statue is also
told, with footage of the children's visit to Keith Maddison's studio,
with an explanation of the method used and photographs taken at various
stages of the sculpting process. The casting and welding of the bronze,
is set to Pie Jesu sung by Sarah Kelly accompanied by Middleton St George
school choir in a beautifully emotional sequence.
The film also documents the arrival of the statue and
it being lowered into place, watched by a few invited guests recording
the reactions of those who had been involved in this project from the start,
as they saw the statue for the first time.
Also included is a question and answer session with Pat
Brophy's two daughters, Colleen Bacon and Sherry Sullivan, filmed when
they visited the school and answered the childrens' questions about their
father and their thoughts on the statue and unveiling ceremony.
There is also a very thought provoking interview with
sculptor Keith Maddison and air historian Geoff Hill giving their thoughts
and feelings having re-enacted the events, in full flying kit, which took
place in the Lancaster on that night sixty years ago.
The film concludes with a series of short interviews giving
thoughts on the completion of the project from those involved.
On the second disc is the full unveiling ceremony with
the emotional fly past of the Battle of Britain Flight Lancaster.
The two-disc set is priced at £11.99 plus P&P
(£1.50 in the UK and £2.50 for outside the UK )
Which is $24.50 plus $5 postage and packing in
Canadian Dollars to Canada
DVDs can be ordered by credit or debit card at our secure
online store:
Or by sending a cheque in £ or CA$ payable to "The
Wartime Memories Project" to:
The Wartime Memories Project
PO Box 325
Stockton on Tees
TS20 1XL
For each DVD sold £2 (4 Canadian Dollars)
will be put towards the fund raising effort to have a copy of the statue
made and erected in Mynarski's home town of Winnipeg, and the remainder
of the profit, £2 will benefit Middleton St George Primary School.
Flt. Sgt. James Andrew
The following letter was sent to Bill Hillman, our
Web Master, and Bill forwarded it to your Editor.
If you can help David Barnes please write Editor of
Short Bursts.
Hello William,
I found your site the Ex-Air Gunners while doing a google
for CFB Summerside.
I am doing some family research on my wife's side. Her
Grandfather served at CFB Summerside, PEI and died in accident while on
air patrol. I am trying to find out if his name is on the monument at Memorial
Square in Summerside. He was Flight Sergeant James Andrew Ringer. He died
June 9 1944.
I don't have any other information, such as aircraft,
squadron, other men aboard. Any help is greatly appreciated.
David Logan Barnes
Progress Report No.10 DEC.
20, 2005
By Karl Kjarsgaard ~ Project Manager
Registered Charity 84586 5740 RR0001
Christmas time and the festive Christmas season is upon
us. As the year 2006 approaches I want to wish all of our members and supporters
a special thank you for all your help and encouragement this past year.
2005 has been The Year of the Veteran and it has
been a wonderful year for those warriors of World War 2, the youngest being
78 years old, who were able to attend special functions as we celebrated
the 60th anniversary of VE and VJ Day. Certainly the dedication ceremony
of RAF Halifax NA337 at the RCAF Memorial Museum in Trenton, Ontario on
November 5 was a highlight for our airforce veterans. It seems like just
a short time ago, after two years of effort, when I watched her rise up
from the deep onto that Norwegian beach!
Those critical times in World War 2 when our society and
its survival hung in the balance, defended by so many good and young people
who fought for all of us, those times must always be remembered for their
effort and sacrifice. The great symbol of Canadian excellence in combat
is the RCAF and her crews, whose majority of airmen flew the Halifax to
Allied Victory.
We who are carrying on, as the veterans' numbers are reduced
with the passing years, must stay connected to the heritage and honour
of these past warriors to keep us strong for what trials and tribulations
of life lie ahead for us.
There can be no finer real life symbol of all these things
just mentioned than Halifax LW170, a Canadian combat Halifax, which we
must bring home to Canada. LW170 will be the best thing to happen to our
country. It will also be the best thing for those poor Canadians, almost
two full generations, who have had to grow up in a educational system which
puts Canadian history and excellence in combat at the bottom of their system's
list of priorities. If only I could tell them how they have missed out,
no thanks to their educators, on learning what it means to be a Canadian
and help others to fight for world freedom
LW170 going down.
(If all goes well LW170 will find a home in Nanton
These are the Hali-facts.
In report No. 9 I mentioned that Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada)
was being included in the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Canadian Embassy
in Washington, D.C. on Novemebr 11. Director Chris Charland and myself
flew down on Air Canada passes and attended the ceremonies. We were allowed
to display our beautiful print of LW170 "INVINCIBLE ITEM" in the lower
lobby of the embassy where we were able to hand out information on the
Halifax Project. The Tom Withers family of Nellysford, Virginia was officially
invited as special guests and Tom , an American RCAF air-gunner killed-in-action
in a Halifax. was spotlighted in Ambassador McKenna's speech at the Remembrance
Day ceremony. Flora Withers Ballard, Tom's sister, was presented with a
set of Air Force Association sweetheart wings by the Ambassador as a symbol
of gratitude to the Withers family. Tom's other sister, Margaret, could
not attend but sweetheart wings were sent along to her with best regards.
Chris and I were most appreciative of all the help and
hospitality provided by Ambassador McKenna and the Military Attache's offices
of Colonel Paul Drover, Lt. Col. Mike Dorey, and Lt. Col. Jamie Robertson.
Much progress was made towards spreading the word of our Halifax Project
to the American people with our special dedication to those unknown 704
Americans killed-in-action in the RCAF. This will help immensely in the
near future as we go to the American press during the building up of our
Halifax support and awareness in the USA.
Further to this, yours truly made a strong proposal to
Alberta Cabinet Minister David Coutts on October 31 just before going to
the Washington ceremony. Lloyd Patten DFC, pilot of LW170, also attended
this meeting at the Alberta legislature along with Laurie Hawn, Conservative
candidate and RCAF CF-104 pilot. I explained the full project to
Minister Coutts with all the historical, technical, and financial aspects
included. He was most attentive and stated that he would do his best to
obtain funding from Alberta for the Halifax Project. I did explain that
we have not received any funding from the federal government for this national
level project. I did receive some good advice from Minister Coutts on the
politics of such a project and the support, or lack of support, that we
should expect. Very educational, indeed.
While in Washington I was directed to Mr. Murray Smith,
the official Alberta government appointee, who is charged with looking
after the Alberta interests of commerce and trade in the U.S. I made a
full proposal to Mr. Smith highlighting the Canada-USA bonds of the American
volunteers in the RCAF. With Halifax LW170 coming to Alberta and dedicated
to those forgotten American RCAF warriors killed-in-action this would be
a fine goodwill project for both of our nations to rally around. Both proposals
to Minister Coutts and Murray Smith are in process right now in Edmonton
and I have high hopes for the approval of financial support by the Alberta
government. Perhaps we will have a special present under our project tree
soon. More in our next report.
Author John Neal is going great guns on the sale of his
book "BLESS YOU, BROTHER IRVIN" about the exciting bailout adventures of
Allied aircrew. John has agreed to donate proceeds of the sale of his unique
book to the Halifax Project. He has sold hundreds of copies so far and
remember every book sold is really a donation in kind to the Halifax Project.
Please see the ad for "BLESS YOU, BROTHER IRVIN" on the main page of this
website with all the details for buying this entertaining book about our
aircrew bailouts. I highly recommend it for good reading.
Another project for fundraising which is proceeding very
well, although about a month behind schedule, is the final preparation
and autographing of the beautiful Halifax aviation print of LW170, titled
"INVINCIBLE ITEM" by artist Michael McCabe. Yours truly has spent 18 days
in late November and early December travelling back and forth across Canada
collecting the signatures of every RCAF veteran still alive who flew LW170
during her combat career. Each veteran had to sign 500 prints that I had
to ship in special boxes wherever I flew. As of Dec. 14 I had travelled
over 14,000 miles criss-crossing the country and visited eleven men, average
age 83, who flew LW170 in combat. They personally signed all 500 prints.
The final signer is the artist, Michael McCabe, who is finishing signing
all 500 this week.
Friends and members, I have seen some good and detailed
paintings and images of Halifaxes over the past 20 years but none can compare
with this beautiful close up print of our LW170. The print measures 3 feet
by 2 feet, in brilliant colour on a daylight raid, with the 11 authentic
signatures of the combat crew and the artist. This print is one of the
best and certainly one of the last great signed Halifax paintings available.
It is RCAF and all Canadian. I have not even advertised yet and still we
have received orders for 26 prints so far.
The marketing of the prints will begin in early January.
Please see all the details on the main website page for ordering your copy
of "INVINCIBLE ITEM". We will have 500 signed as well as 250 unsigned for
those looking for pricing options. Please do not wait too long to place
your order.
I would like to ask all members and supporters who wish
to see a beautiful image of Halifax in their Legion Branch or Airforce
Association Wing to please promote this print to their branch executives.
In order for us to proceed with our Phase 1 sonar survey in the summer
of 2006 we must have sold almost all the prints by early May, 2006.
The directors of Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada) need your help to get the Project
funding drive rolling NOW.
Finally I wish to extend the warmest Christmas Greetings
to all of you. Hoping that you will have health and happiness this season
and in the New Year. Keep your eyes on the target, and Merry Christmas
Karl Kjarsgaard
Project Manager
Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada)
email: 57rescuecanada@rogers.com
phone: 613 835 1748
Found in a Soldier’s Obituary
He won’t be mourned by many,
Just the few who knew him well,
For his war has long been over,
Though its tales are left to tell.
He held a job and raised a family,
Going on his quiet way…
And the world won’t note his passing,
Though a soldier died today.
If we cannot do him honour
While he’s here to hear the praise,
Then at least let’s give him homage
At the end of his days.
Perhaps just a tiny headline,
Just a simple note to say
‘Our hearts are filled with sadness,
Editor’s Report
I am a frustrated Editor. My computer succumbed
to engine failure and crashed on December 9th, we didn’t get it back
until Dec. 29th. The Guru wants it back in his shop after the New Year
to iron out some minor faults. We lost programs, but the worst was that
it wiped clean the address book. I cannot notify members when the page
is up on the Net. If you would like to keep in contact with us send an
E-mail with your address.
We received a book for review; FROM WINGS PARADE
TO MANDALAY by Allan Coggon, Mahone Bay N.S. The author, an Ex-RCAF Pilot,
gives us a detailed account of that “forgotten War” in Burma while serving
with 31 Squadron RAF and of his frustrating service career before arriving
in Burma.. As our computer scanner is not functioning to reproduce pictures
and maps, this review will appear in the February Page. It is a gripping
read, once you pick it up it is hard to put down. Watch for the review
in the February Page.
In the interim check it out: ISBN 1-4120-6921-1
In Canada:
Trafford Publishing,
6E-2333 Government St.,
Victoria, B.C. V8T 4P4
Tel. 250 383 6864 or 1-888-232 4444
E-mail orders@trafford.com |
In Europe:
Trafford Publishing (UK) Limited
9 Park End Street ,
2nd. Floor,
Oxford, UK. 0X1 1HH
E-mail info.uk@trafford.com |
Ken Hill, President of the Ex-Air Gunner’s Southern Ontario
Chapter sent us an excellent DVD of their group’s entertainment and sing-along
following the Remembrance Service November 10, 2005. We have forwarded
the DVD to Svend Jensen, President of the Northern Alberta Group, (780-465-7344),
with the suggestion, after their group has enjoyed it, to send it on to
another AG Branch.
The songs are the old familiar melodies of WWII and Ken
Hill does some of the vocals. His voice has certainly not deteriorated
with age.
While you are closeted against the winter winds, take
time to put pen to paper and send us some articles for future Short Bursts
Doreene and I wish you all a joyous and healthy New Year.
John and Doreene Moyles.