Albert George Gregory DFC, member of
the RAF Gunner’s Association, Nottingham Branch, at the Battle of Britain
Commemoration 2005 ceremony. Albert was in the RAFVR pre-war and was flying
Blenheims as an Air Gunner in 1940 during this period. He survived and
later went on his wireless course, completing two tours of Operations on
Bomber Command.

The monument is on the Victoria Embankment not far from the
Houses of Parliament and backs on to the River
(almost opposite the "London Eye") Above pictures courtesy
of the RAF Newsletter, THE TURRET,
Editor, Ron Bramley r.a.f.bram@amserve.net
By Ted Hackett
you travel up Kingsway Avenue in the City of Edmonton, Alberta you
will come to the Edmonton Municipal Airport, or as it is now known, Blatchford
Field. On the west side of the airport is a familiar sight to a Royal
Canadian Air force veteran of WW2, a green and white wooden hangar.
What is now called Hangar 14 was built in 1941 as part of the facilities
to house the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP).
Edmonton was chosen as the location
of No.4 Initial Training School (ITS), No.16 Elementary Flying School(EFTS)
and No.2 Air Observers School(AOS) and the hangar was used to store the
Avro Anson aircraft used by the AOS. An interesting fact is that
the AOS was run by W.R. "Wop" May whose exploits during World War 1,
World War 2 and in the North earned him a place in the Canadian Aviation
Hall of Fame.
The hangars built for the BCATP
were of a standard design, however, they could be doubled in size depending
on the size of the school and facilities required. Hangar 14 is both
double wide and double long and is the only remaining hangar of that type
left in Canada and represents the important role of the City of Edmonton
in the BCATP. The hangar became the home of No.418 (City of Edmonton)
Squadron RCAF in 1946 and it remained their home until they moved
to RCAF Station Namao just north of the city. From 1957 until 1961
it was used by Pacific Western Airlines who were heavily involved
in the construction of the Dew Line Radar Stations in northern Canada
during that time. The Department of National Defence released the hangar
to the City of Edmonton in 1961.
Volunteers at work
following year it was rented to Western GMC as a car and truck dealership
and was used for that purpose until 1983. The hangar was essentially
abandoned for several years only occasionally being used as a car sales
lot. The Alberta Aviation Museum Association was searching for a
home at that time and they approached the City of Edmonton regarding use
of the hangar. The Association , with a number of other aviation
oriented groups, had formed the Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society (EAHS)
in 1990 The City finally gave them approval to use the hangar
in 1991 and in 1992 an initial five year lease at $1.00 per year,
was granted. In 1997 the EAHS exercised an option to extend the lease
for an additional 20 years . The current lease is set to expire in
the year 2017. The Society spent approximately One Million dollars
on restoring the hangar installing a sprinkler system, fire alarms, new
windows, etc. and the building looks as good as the day it was built.
The Edmonton Aviation Heritage Society
was formed to preserve the history of aviation in Edmonton both military
and civilian. It now has 15 member groups, including the local chapter
of the Ex-Air Gunners, each group having two members on the Board of Directors.
A report by the Alberta Community Development Historic Sites and Archives
Service sums up the hangars place in history. It states, "The significance
of this hangar cannot be overstated. Its status as the only remaining
hangar of its type from the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, and
its association with "Wop" May and 418 Squadron, gives it unparalleled
importance in interpreting the history of aviation, not only in the Province
of Alberta, but in Canada as a whole".
Curtis Special Fuselage. Volunteers,
Jim Fern, Ray Miller, Dennis Loiseau
A visit to the Museum should be
a must for any visitor to Edmonton. The restoration area is visitor
friendly and an outlet for the passion the members feel for the legacy
of flight. There are a number of aircraft in the process of being
restored by some of the many volunteers at the Museum including a Lockheed
Ventura and a North American B-25. The Learning Centre introduces
a new generation of aviation enthusiasts to the mystery and marvel of flight.
The role of aviation in building Western Canada and the North is taught
here by many of those who actually lived the experience many years ago.
Large numbers of school students visit the Museum every year and are thrilled
by what they see and hear there. There is a well stocked gift shop
and a well run coffee shop where you can sit and have refreshments while
you discuss what you have seen.
Fairchild 71. It became a “Movie
Star” when it flew in the Hollywood movie
“Captains of the Clouds” featuring
James Cagney and Dennis Morgan.
I want to thank the staff of the
Edmonton Aviation Heritage Museum for their co-operation and assistance
in writing this article and Svend Jensen for shepherding me around the
Avro Anson. A familiar
aircraft to many BCATP student
DeHaviland Mosquito
More Museum pictures below.
Marie “Nipper” Wright
At five foot two inches Marie Wright
(nee Sylvester) must have been the smallest pilot to ferry fighter planes
and bombers from one base to anther in wartime Britain. Born in Jersey
in the Channel Islands in 1924, Marie received her education there and,
later on, in Edmonton, Alberta. Her Dad bought the family to Canada where
he obtained work as a policeman on the Edmonton Police Force.
Mr. Sylvester had befriended a popular
bush pilot by the name of Wop May. Marie had never been up in a plane before,
but with Wop May’s encouragement she soon learned to fly and found her
self in pilot training in the BCATP.
There were eight girls in the class
between the ages of 18 and 22 years. That is, the girls were supposed to
be 18 years or older, however, Marie Sylvester was only 16. With the Germans
occupying the Jersey Islands, there was no way o check the authenticity
of an altered birth certificate!
After earning her pilot’s wings
Marie was posted to Hornchurch, near London, England, and was called upon
to ferry planes to and from many stations in the UK. Marie flew 65 different
Mks of aircraft, single engine fighters, twin and four engine bombers,
in Britain, and after D-Day, over to France. There is a record and story
here to be recorded for future generations.
Marie Wright beside a 2/3rd
scale operational Hurricane in
The Edmonton Heritage Museum.
Marie had a pleasant experience
at the Heritage hangar. During the “Mossie” Viewing get together in 1995,
a grey haired gentleman approached her and asked if she had ever flown
a Boston aircraft. Yes, she had, and recalled there was not a lot of room
in the pilot’s seat. In England she had required assistance in getting
a Boston fired up. A large Squadron Leader had squeezed himself into the
occupied drivers seat by sitting on Marie’s knees. He got the engines started
and then asked, “at what speed do you intend to land this plane?”
“At 110 mph, according to the manual,”
Marie replied.
“Make it 120 mph,” said the Squadron
Leader, “because those cannon up front are heavy and you will dive into
the ground at a lower speed..”
Low and behold this Squadron Leader
shows up 51 years later to reminisce and meet again the little lady in
the Boston Bomber!
Marie married a British pilot by
the name of Wright and they moved to Canada. Mr. Wright passed away in
1956 so Marie had to raise their six children. She worked as manager of
the Roxy Theatre for 35 years.
Marie has been involved with the
Aviation Heritage Society and spent many hours at the hangar conducting
Museum business. Marie is an Honorary Member of the Northern Alberta Branch
of the Ex-Air Gunner’s Association.
I recall Marie saying she
landed a plane at a British airfield one day and
a mechanic ran up and shouted,
“the war is over.”
Marie said she had such mixed
emotions she sat in the cockpit and wept.
from March 2006 Page
Don Macfie
So you never did experience fear in the air. I have a
definition [of fear].
If you are briefed for an inner patrol on the Bay of Biscay
on a nice clear sunny day and you have heard of the latest shenanigans
of the JU 88s out there, you go out with dread and you feel it the whole
Now if you are away out over the ocean on a very dark
night and suddenly the four engines and your heart stop, your body goes
all prickly, you go down on the floor and thrash about, because you know
you are going to die. That is fear!
John Moyles
The picture of the Norseman on floats outside the Edmonton
Heritage Museum took me back. In 1942 I was seconded from No. 7 BR Squadron,
Prince Rupert BC, to be wireless operator and crewman for S/L Gordon flying
a Norseman on floats on the mail run between Victoria and Prince Rupert.
This beautiful picture of a Norseman on the West Coast
provided by Ted Hackett.
S/L Gordon knew the west coast like the back of his hand
as well as the Factors along the coast. We would land at small villages
and have dinner with the Factor and his family. A home cooked meal was
a plus, as were the brief times in Victoria.
But all was not well when we had to land in a bay during
heavy seas at low tide. Tides on the coast ran from 8 to 15 feet. In such
situations, when the pilot landed and approached the bay, he would cut
the engine. The WAG had to get out onto the pontoon, release the paddle
and, kneeling on the front of the pontoon, paddle the aircraft into the
dock. With a wind pushing the aircraft in one direction, the current pulling
it in another, and obstacles rising above the low tide waterline, plus
flotsam and jetsam, it was difficult to prevent the aircraft from hitting
One had to run back and forth across the spar from one
pontoon to the other. S/L Gordon would lean out of his window and shout
warnings “watch your port wingtip on that pylon, come into the dock broadside,
easy, easy.” Then, with mooring rope in hand one would leap from the bobbing
pontoon onto the dock, hoping that a wave would not suddenly lift the aircraft
and double the distance to the dock.
On a number of occasions we flew over the Northern portion
of the Queen Charlotte Islands, sometimes below tree top level - on floats!
S/L Gordon confided in me that he was looking for a location to construct
a runway to be used by the fighter squadrons on Annette Island, Alaska.
This was the origin of the Massett landing strip.
Ross Hamilton
There must be a million Air Force tales out there, if
only some people would put pen to paper. The following is an RAF article
sent to me by our late colleague, Bert Dowty. so I pass it along.
It was shortly following the Malaysia incursion, in which
the British SAS, the Army, and the RAF, were involved from 1950 to 1954.
At the time the R.N. were also involved, and had an aircraft carrier on
standby in the nearby Indian Ocean. It was believed to be no less a stalwart
of the R.N. than the “Ark Royal” itself. At this time one of the RAF Transport
Squadrons was deployed in the Malaysia area, tasked to fly out the British
troops and return them to England via Singapore, Gibraltar, etc.
One military transport, a DC-3 Dakota, had just taken
off with a load of troops, when the Pilot apparently spotted the Ark Royal
in the area, and decided to stir up the navy a bit just for the hell of
it. With this dominant urge in his system, he levelled out a few miles
back of the carrier, and began a calculated approach in complete landing
mode. As he came within the area of the carrier, the wheels came down,
along with the appropriate degree of flaps, and the approach began for
a landing on the carrier’s flight deck.
One can only imagine the sight of this monster aircraft,
approaching for a landing, on a runway that was even hard pressed
to handle small fighter aircraft! According to the article this action
was the cause of great consternation on the carrier bridge. The only rebuttal
at hand therefore, was the firing off of a barrage of warning flares, mostly
red, until the approaching DC-3 finally enacted “wheels and flaps up”,
and the landing was aborted. But not before the Pilot retaliated for being
unable to effect a landing, did an masterful shoot-up of the Ark Royal,
before heading off into the sunset.
There is no further word of the RAF Pilot's fate, but
apparently he got away with it, the navy being to concerned at the time
to take down the number or lettering of the airborne antagonist who caused
them such great stress and consternation.
general view of Heritage Museum.
CF 101 Voodoo
Good Day,
I am not sure if you are the person I need to talk to
with regards to this but I would like some assistance and if you could
pass me on to who would be the correct person it would be greatly appreciated.
I am Cpl Holmes 407 Sqn 19 Wing Comox BC Canada looking
for two 407 Sqn members who joined closest to the forming date of 8 May
1941 (at Thorney Island) who are still presently living, I am looking for
one aircrew member and one ground crew member, any assistance in this venture
would be greatly appreciated. If you could send me an email of a newspaper
clipping from May 8 1941 about our unit it would also be useful. On another
note the reason we are looking for these members is 407 Sqn is holding
a 65th anniversary to be held on the weekend of 23-24 Sept 2006 all and
any interested personnel are encouraged to contact us for more information
and to attend. 1-250-339-8211. Thx for your help in advance.
Cpl Holmes
407Sqn Comox
"To Hold on High"
x8417 or x7028
Ross Hamilton passed Cpl Holmes the information that
Greetings to Cpl. Holmes, and your message of March 10th,
which was passed on to me by John Moyles.
Firstly, I personally am of little help to you in that
I did'nt get to 407 until late 1943. Unfortunately, one who could have
helped would have been S/L Cam Taylor, DFC & Bar, one of the original
pilots on the Sqdn. when it was formed at Thorney Island in April, 1941.,
but who has passed away.
I know of only a couple of other originals, and will provide
their addresses. (I do not know of any e-mail addresses)
(1) Kim Abbott, Pilot. Highland Farm, RR-1 Balderson,
Ont. K0G 1A0, (613) 267-1269.
(2) George White (WAG) 869 Chapman Blvd. Ottawa. K1G
1V1. (613) 731-4505.
(3) Eric Tipping, Secretary, 407 Assn., 72 Midland Ave.
Scarborough, Ont. M1N 4A1. (416) 261-2512.
Perhaps another source who might be able to help, is right
on your doorstep.
i.e., Capt. Tom Procter (Ret.) Author of the "407 Sqdn.
History" book. 2089 Murphy Ave. Comox. (250) 339-2668.
Incidentally, another fine book, A Gathering Of Demons,
was written by Kim Abbott, and chronicles the early days of the Sqdn. and
its ops on Hudsons. Hope the above may be of help. I look forward to the
re-union in Sept.
Per Ardua.
Ross Hamilton, ex- 407 Wartime
Restored Dehaviland Cirrus Moth
You will recall we reviewed two of Allan Coggon’s books,
Allan asking how sales were going. Here is his reply.
Hello John :
S _ L _ O _ W -- However have another Review
in C.O.P.A. due out soon, Now have a web site ( Like yourself) Perhaps
I have too much. Have a look at www.takeoffpublishing.ca.
Have reviews or mentions on book in the UK next month
or so. I hope to bring out a 2nd edition as soon as I flog the 200 copies
in my basement. This will add 50 pages of new unpublished stuff of the
ground troops (in Burma); but also to clear out all the mistakes!
Now writing (the KLM SAGA) the first part of "TRILOGY
+ TWO"
Gd nite John and Doreen,
If you are interested in Allan’s works, click on
or contact:
In Canada: Trafford Publishing, 6E-2333 Government
St., Victoria, B.C. V8T 4P4
Tel. 250.383.6864 or 1.888.232.4444
E-mail: orders@trafford.com
In Europe: Trafford Publishing (UK) Limited
9 Park End Street , 2nd. Floor, Oxford, UK. 0X1 1HH
Hi John--
This is just to let you know that after long arduous
years of work, my novel, Icebergs, is going to be published with Bloomsbury
USA on April 4, distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books. I owe a
great deal of thanks to you, Glen Clearwater and Ross Hamilton for your
help in writing the first section of the book regarding the Liberator.
I hope to have copies to send you soon, and Ross and Glen. As you'll
see from my web page below, the B-24 features pretty prominently on the
Thanks again, and I'll be in touch.
Rebecca Johns (Trissler)
Iowa City, IA
Ross Hamilton, Glen Clearwater, and myself, replied
to Rebecca’s request for information, when she was writing this book. We
hope to review this work in May.
In the March 2006 Page we printed a request from Joan
and Gary Gauthier
concerning information regarding his Father.
David Kinton was kind enough to reply.
Good afternoon Gary,
I saw your note in Short Bursts and have some information
that may be of use.
My father was a WAG who was killed with all the crew when
their Sunderland flying boat crashed and burned near Invergordon, Scotland
on November 26, 1944. I was able to order (by fax) a copy of his service
record from Ottawa through the following contact:
National Archives of Canada
Textual Records Reproduction Services
Fax: 613-995-6274
If he is still alive, you may have to get him to make
the request. My wife tried to get her father’s records (also RCAF
aircrew, but who survived the war after a crash in England in which all
the rest of the Anson crew were killed) several years after he died (2001)
but the National Archives were not prepared to release the information
at that time.
David Kinton
John – My wife and I will be going to Scotland and England
in May and would like to visit the crash sites. My father’s crews’
deaths are detailed in the memorial book “They Shall Grow Not Old
(Gary – I have a copy if you wish to see it and I am in Calgary) but we
have been unable to determine neither the date my father-in-law crashed
nor the names of the airmen killed at that time. Do you have any
possible contacts where this type of information might be located?
Joe (Joseph Lorne Staples from Kindersley) would never talk about his experiences.
Heritage Museum Gift Shop. If you are visiting Edmonton,
the Edmonton Heritage Museum is a “must” visit.
Good Morning John,
I spoke to you by telephone when my wife and I were going
through Regina a couple years ago on holidays. We stayed in Brandon
a couple days and checked out the Air museum, which was excellent.
My wife’s father and uncle both trained there and we found their signatures
in the book that the local barber kept for all his “guests”.
My father and the crew of Sunderland DD____.(the number
is in the “They Shall Not Grow Old” book) were all killed when the port
inboard engine threw a connecting rod and apparently vibrated the wing
off at low altitude just after they took off from Alness (I think) with
a full load of fuel and crashed and burned on the railway tracks 2 miles
northeast of the train station at Invergordon. The book says they
were in 4OTU but I think the crew had done all their missions and were
supposed to be going home but took one more mission. Jack Shand, from Lethbridge,
who survived an earlier crash in the North Atlantic when his Sunderland
attacked a u-boat was also killed and I believe he was fairly well known.
There are several pictures of him in “Sunderland at War” by Chaz Bowyer.
I bought Chris Weicht’s book “Jericho Beach and the West
Coast Flying Boat Squadrons” a couple years ago and found a photograph
of my father with a work crew. He went to Ucluelet just after Pearl
Harbour and was in Stranraers for a while before switching to Cansos (Catalinas?).
He went overseas in late ’43. I’m planning to condense the records
that I received form Archives Canada and will send you a copy of the result
when it’s finished. I have a photograph of his Canso crew dated 13-12-43
and a Canso in the air and have attached a poor tif copy of both photographs.
On the back his handwriting references Crew 15, 110 (or 160) Squadron and
the names “D M Strang, self, Alexander , A S Mussen and Hunter in the top
row (L to R) and “Mitchell, Munroe, Lambert” in the bottom row. No
first names are given so they would be difficult to track down. Possibly
you know some of them.
When we’re in England, we plan to go to the Air Museum
near London where they have a Sunderland and number of other WW2 aircraft.
Information about my wife’s father, Joseph Lorne Staples,
is much more difficult to find. He was the sole survivor of an Anson
crash in England and lay in the wreckage for nearly a week before they
found him. He spent a year after that recuperating in hospital.
We don’t know the date, where he was based, or the names of the crew members
who were killed. His brother Donald, who was ground crew in England
at the time, may have some information. If you have any possible
source of information I’d be very pleased if you could send it to me.
Kindest regards,
David Kinton
Correspondence forwarded by Bill Cockburn
Dear Bill,
I may be on the wrong track here, however if you
can take a moment and read on I would greatly appreciate it. I have been
trying to do some research on Hagersville No 16 Service Flying Training
School and it seems every time I do a search on the net your website (Short
Burst) ends up in the findings. You see, my family now owns what used to
be this "base" and I'm trying to piece together some of the history of
the property and it's past.
The drill hall, PMQ's and hangers still exist (although
part of the property was severed and the hangers are not on our property
now) yet some of the "timelines" for these structures don't coincide with
old Dept of Defence site plans and I'm told by some of the older "locals"
conflicting tales of what this place actually was. I suppose what I'm asking
is if there is anyone you can put me in touch with that may have ever served
here and may recall a little about the place.
I know its a tall order as many of our older veterans
have passed on and I'm sure SFTS Hagersville wasn't a place that would
rate a high spot in the memory of many but I'm taking a shot in the dark
here in the remote possibility you can point me in a direction.
What really got me started on the history of the place
was when I was doing some work in the old drill hall and found the name
of a serviceman (cpl O'Keefe) written in pencil behind a set of shelves
I was removing. It was probably 50 years since the scribble had seen the
light of day and just kind of got me wondering about the entire history
of the property and the people that served here. Any help or suggestions
you have would be greatly appreciated.
Kirk Berry
Hagersville Ont
See Kirk’s letter March 2004 Page
#3 Wireless Training School 1943. Do you see
Picture submitted by I. Ferguson figlock@ozemail.com.au
As you look at these young faces the question arises,
“how many came home?”
Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada)
424 Squadron
Progress Report No.11 March 6,
By Karl Kjarsgaard (Project Manager)
Registered Charity 84586 5740 RR0001
HALI-FACTS. [abridged]
Since I sent you Progress Report No. 10 in December of
2005, there have been several positive developments for the Halifax Project.
Step by step we are moving towards our goal.
beautiful Halifax print of LW170, "INVINCIBLE ITEM", has been selling very
well since we released it for sale in late December and early January.
To date, we have sold almost 100 copies of the prints (both signed and
unsigned) to many people across Canada and the U.S.A. We are getting letters
and telephone inquiries on a daily basis concerning the purchase of this
unique Halifax painting. Everyone is pleased with the quality and accuracy
of Michael McCabe's creation of our beloved LW170. It is arguably one of
the best Halifax prints of recent times. It finally gives full credit to
the Royal Canadian Air Force squadrons of R.A.F. Bomber Command. Remember,
every buyer of a signed print of "INVINCIBLE ITEM" receives a free 2006
Membership in Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada).
I have seen our print when fully framed on display and
it is simply stunning. We hope you will, as valued supporters and members,
purchase a print. It is a truly valuable heritage item for all families.
I would like to ask all of you to be our agents for promoting the sale
of the print with your local Royal Canadian Legion and Air Force Association
In January I was invited to speak at the Air Force Association
meeting held at the Royal Canadian Legion – Centennial Branch No. 285 on
Horton Road S.W. in Calgary, Alberta. After the briefing, I had the pleasure
of presenting an artist’s proof signed copy of "INVINCIBLE ITEM" to Claire
Anastasio (nee Hannah) of Calgary. This was in memory of her brother Flying
Officer Harold Allan Hannah who flew seven combat operations in Halifax
LW170. Unfortunately, like so many fine young Canadian servicemen, he was
killed in action. Flying Officer Hannah was killed on the 27th of January
1945 while serving as part of an Avro Lancaster crew with No. 405 'Vancouver'
(B) Squadron which was assigned to the famous ‘Pathfinder Force’.
On the political scene; we have both the Federal and Provincial
arenas to deal with in order to gain support for the Halifax Project. Unfortunately,
we have heard very little from the Alberta government on garnering support
for our cause. On the federal scene we have a whole new ball game. During
the past year, prior to the recent federal election, one of our most ardent
supporters of the Halifax Project was and still is Edmonton-based businessman
Laurie Hawn. He is a former Canadian Forces senior officer and fighter
I must tell you about a most exciting and recent development
that has come about between Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada) and a special group
in the U.K. called ‘Flying Zone Publications’.
Over the past three years, Flying Zone Publications has
produced and is currently selling special CD-ROM 's of historic aircraft.
These are veritable digital encyclopedias of everything any historian or
collector ever wanted to know technically and historically about a specific
aircraft. To date, they are selling their special CD-ROM's on the Lancaster
and Spitfire. The titles are: ‘Lancaster Explored’ and ‘Spitfire
Explored’. After reviewing these great CD's, I contacted Flying Zone Director
Bryan Atkinson in Maidstone, Kent. I filled him in on our quest for LW170
and asked him if he would consider doing his next historic CD-ROM on the
Halifax. Due to the timely nature of our Halifax Project, I asked
him if he would delay the Hurricane and Mosquito CD's he was originally
planning to do. Bryan stated that he did not have any data on the Halifax,
but would consider doing it as soon as he could get the manuals and photos
of the Halifax in his hands.
In early January, I dutifully arrived in Maidstone with
a suitcase of Halifax manuals and microfilm, Bristol Hercules manuals and
several hundred photos of Halifaxes taken by myself and friends.
Bryan and I brainstormed so that he was able to come up
with a basic plan for his next CD-ROM, which I am very pleased to announce
will be called ‘Halifax Explored’. It should be available for sale
in late summer of 2006. We sincerely appreciate all the official co-operation
by these entities that makes his CD's the most definitive sources of data
on these famous aircraft. There will be upwards of 3,000 pages and photos
included of the Halifax and will be about the same price range as previous
titles ($50. - $60. Canadian).
For our members who donated funds to our cause in 2005,
our first year as a Registered Charity, your charitable tax receipts are
being sent out this first week of March.
I am sorry for any delay or inconvenience to those members,
but the original tax receipts were printed without proper sequence numbers,
which is a requirement for C.C.R.A. The printers are redoing the receipts
as we go to press and we will fire them off to you this week. Thanks for
your patience.
We urgently need your support in all areas, including
donations, print purchases, lobbying locally in your hometowns or on a
federal level and your continued moral support as we continue the progress
to our ultimate goal.
Please keep the faith and your eyes on the target.
"Press on Regardless..."
Karl Kjarsgaard
Project Manager
Halifax 57 Rescue (Canada)
Suite 212 - 2980 Colonial Road
Sarsfield, ON K0A 3E0
Phone: 613 835 1748
email 57rescuecanada@rogers.com
website http://www.57rescuecanada.com/
We thank all those who contributed to this Issue. You
will see how the Northern Alberta Branch has joined forces with the Aircrew
Association and the PoW Association for their monthly luncheons. Great
With thanks to the late Bill Hooper and TEE EMM
Consider assisting those seeking information in our Correspondence
section. Also take time to send in memories and anecdotes for future Short
Bursts Pages. Without your support we cannot go to press. Don’t forget
to pass the hat for our benefactors.
Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, good Lord willin’
and if the creek don’t rise, we will see you in May.
Keep well.
John & Doreene Moyles – Editors.