Bill and Sue-On with Kerry Morris
Meeting Princess Anne at the Brandon Train Station
Back in the '80s we did numerous shows as well as radio, TV and newspaper
interviews for the promotion of the Call
of the Wild Festival.
In the summer of 1982, following one of our interviews on the CKX-TV
Noon Show, we rushed down to the Brandon CPR Station where we did a show
for a bus full of "rather tipsy" media people and hundreds of Brandonites
who had turned out to meet Princess Anne's train.
We then followed Anne over to the Agricultural Research Station grounds
where we performed before and after a "Royal Barbecue." It was a very hot
day but the Princess managed to look "Royal Cool" throughout the afternoon.
The highlight of this event was the long informal chat we had with
Princess Anne during one of our breaks. She congratulated us on the success
of our recording and performing tours of England. We jokingly expressed
disappointment that her mother hadn't invited us in for tea or hot chocolate
when we visited Buckingham Palace. She good-naturedly replied that, "We
wouldn't have been there. We spend the summers in Windsor Castle. You'll
have to drop around there on your next visit : )"
Despite the relative informality of her visit, protocol was a bit
more formal in those days - sadly the only photo we have of the event was
the one taken at the train station.