July Part II : 2011
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My take on the Korean noodle dish "Chapch'ae": sweet potato
(like over-sized mung bean noodles) stir-fried with various vegetables.
Topped with large stir-fried shrimp.
Kicked it up a notch with Saigon chili oil...whew!
Vegetables in chapch'ae: zuchinni, baby bak choy, red peppers,
celery, beansprouts,
Chinese mushrooms, garlic scapes, green onion. Healthy;-)
Supper was oven baked chicken, corn on the cob, and brocoslaw -
jazzed up with slivers of fresh ginger, walnuts, Thai basil, cranberries,
and Kraft Mango - Chipotle dressing.
Nice change up from the simple out-of-the-bag slaw and usual coleslaw
dressing. Kinda pretty too, I'd say;-)
Cooked a 2-rib Sterling Silver prime rib for Bill's supper while I
went out with our students.
Fell asleep! Temp. on meat thermometer just said "HI"..Fat cap was
pretty crisp :-(
Cut into it after it had cooled, and the inside was fine!
A little more done than what we'd prefer, but still moist, tender,
and tasty :-)
Sliced leftovers this morning to take on a picnic...
Cooking this roast from frozen-solid state saved it...
will be wonderful with crusty rolls, pickles, slaw, horseradish...
cold beer?
Pretty platter from Stokes - just waiting to receive supper
from the BBQ!
Saskatoons from farmer's market and blueberries from Superstore.
BBQ chicken with Bull's Eye Southern Cajun sauce, tater patties,
and sweet white corn on the cob. Prelude to saskatoon pie!
Oh saskie pie, how Bill loves thee!
Need vanilla ice cream...
Hurry! Run to Safeway!
Oooo...worth the wait - warm, juicy, flakey...
Be still my beating heart!
Results of the quick run to Safeway - Neilson's Natural Vanilla - the
perfect foil ;-)
OMG! It's 10:45 pm and I'm deep into the saskie pie and ice cream!
One whole cut-up chicken marinated overnight in lemongrass, cilantro,
fresh green peppercorns,
ginger, fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves,Thai chili peppers, a bit of
palm sugar, olive oil, lemon juice then grilled.
The charred veg. bits were very tasty, as was the chicken.
I squeezed a drizzle of lemon juice onto the chicken just before eating.
AND...jasmine rice soaking up the extra butter from the corn was pretty
dang tasty too!

Copyright 2011
Sue-On Hillman
and Sue-On Hillman Eclectic Studio