August Part I : 2011
ROAD FOOD: Redmond
Also featured in my Facebook Album

.A diversion this month.
We spent the month of August in Southern California and points north
up the coast to Redmond, WA and Vancouver, BC.
I was away from my kitchen - but we ate very well.
Presented here are some of the highlights.

Annual family birthday party open house at cousins Ron and Velda Schei's home in Washington - 52 guests this year!
Sue-On had a blast as sous chef as she hadn't been in the kitchen for 18 days!
We arrived on the 18th, cooked all day on the 19th and morning of 20th.
Party from 1pm to 6 pm. Great bunch of people!


Cousin Ron was the "runner" doing a great job of dishing out Grandma Schei's famous deviled eggs :-)


.Daughter Allison lent a most welcomed hand in all the plating upon arrival Saturday morning.


.Some of the appetizers ...


Beautiful tomatoes with goat cheese and fresh basil from Velda's garden


.Sheep cheese spread on baguette - delicious! Hard to stop when we sampled them Friday night!


.Grandma's Schei's much-in-demand chicken and potato salad


.Grandma's deviled eggs


Sue-On's fun see (Chinese mung bean noodles) with shrimp and onion
- a new item to Velda's already long list of annual party fare


Lasagna made with "zuchinni pasta" for a friend who is gluten intolerant


Velda's 3-cheese mac'n'cheese with deep fried onions


Meat balls!


Mexican casserol


Smoked salmon


Grandma's spaghetti and meat sauce


Velda's "to-die-for" Key Lime Cake! Missing is her rhubarb dessert.
Think it disappeared too fast for my camera, but I can vouch for its deliciousness ;-)


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Copyright 2011
Sue-On Hillman
Bill and Sue-On Hillman Eclectic Studio