August Part V : 2011
ROAD FOOD: Burnaby
Also featured in my Facebook
.A diversion this
We spent the month of August in Southern California
and points north
up the coast to Redmond, WA and Vancouver, BC.
I was away from my kitchen - but we ate very
Presented here are some of the highlights.
More food!?
Golden Sand Tofu - crispy outside, silky soft
salty from the salted duck egg yolk - a new taste
sensation for us:-)
Deep-fried Chicken Knuckles? Were they pulling
MY leg?!
Crispy, a little chewy, a little crunchy, and
a little spicy. Loved them!
Deep-fried Anchovies.
These are tiny dried white fish, re-hydrated,
then deep - fried with a light batter.
I've eaten then steamed or cooked with rice,
but this was another first experience.
A little disconcerting to see their little black
eyes staring back at me,
but that didn't stop their journey into my mouth
for very long;-)
Shrimp and Chinese Chive Har Gow - very delicate
wrapper and big shrimp.
Deep - fried Glutineous Rice Sesame Balls.
I think they are also called SMILES as once they
are cut as in the picture, they look like a big smile.
The outside is coated with sesame seeds. A great
dessert and one of Bill's favourite dim sum items.
A filled version of the plain Smiles: Black seasame
seed paste.
We've had the red bean paste, and again, this
was a new taste for us. Lovely!
The day before we left Burnaby was our 45th wedding
anniversary - August 29th (1966).
My niece Ilym picked up an oreo blizzard cake
(how did she know it was Uncle Bill's fav?!),
and nephew-in-law Paul picked up fresh scallops-in-the-shell,
fresh Australian baramundi and "rat cod" for
Paul was very handy in prepping the scallops.
I was sou chef, chopping green onion and ginger.
Steamed then drizzled with a lime and soy mixture
for that extra zing if so desired.
Just dressed fish...
Dressed - layering ;-) Lots of green onion, ginger, salt, pepper...
Steamed, topped with more greenery, then drizzled with soy sauce and
smoking peanut oil.
Rat cod sounded yuk but was so good!
Brendan, our great nephew, worked at a meat processing
during his summer off from university,
brought home bags of boneless beef short ribs.
Paul marinated them and made bolgogi to add to
our supper - very good!
There was still a big part of a bag of beef left,
so the decision was for me to make my stew
- ostensibly for Brendan to take back to university.
While waiting for the stew to cool down for the vacuum sealer, everyone
seemed to be needing a "taste test"?!

Copyright 2011
Sue-On Hillman
and Sue-On Hillman Eclectic Studio