December I: 2012
Also featured in my Facebook
Curry Lentil soup:
This was a favourite when we used to have jams in Soo's banquet hall
- every Sat night. I'd have this simmering on the stove,
and we'd all slurp and sweat thru' the spices.
This will be sent out in a crock pot for Bill and the gang at Ken Daniels
Cantina - per Ken's request;-)
Crusty French bread will be sent to wipe clean the bowls!
Lamb chops with mint sauce, baby taters and green beans
- just before Bill went out to the Cantina with the curry lentil soup...
Bird Seed Bar with Mango Flavoured Cranberries for last staff meeting
of the term tomorrow!
Chow mein noodles with beef fajita?!
Great stuff :-)
Just noodles with green onion and ginger.
Stir-fried beef and tomatoes with egg - eaten with steamed rice -
Chinese comfort food!
Tomatoes and onion in the wok
Sliced beef marinating for the velvet texture
Chopped fried eggs
Chicken Ensemble:
Safeway rotisserie chicken, roasted cauliflower, cumin carrot frites,
boiled carrots, and brocoslaw. Perfect for a busy day!
Baked cumin carrot frites.
The cumin played off well against the sweetness of the carrots.
Roasted cauliflower
Had a big pack of pork butt chops that needed doing up, so it was char
Now I can make the pot of hot 'n' sour soup.
I always like having char siu, chicken, and shrimp in my soup.
Happy Curry Beef braising in the oven.
Soon, it will be joined by more fresh celery, carrots, and baby taters...
More veggies enjoying the bubbling...
Finished product...Ok...not as good as my usual beef stew :-(
Reminder to self:
Do NOT buy or use Campbell's No Salt Added Beef Broth.
I had forgotten that I didn't like it, but I DO like the chicken broth.
However, still made a tasty bowl on a cold night.
Butter Chicken, green beans and Jasmine rice.
Always a quick meal with Nana's Butter Chicken Sauce...
Ready in 30 minutes!
Pork ribs seasoned and covered with cracker meal.
Ready for the deep fryer!
Soo's #17 !!!
Great with beer ;-)
Soon-to-be Soo's #13 !!!
Soo's #13: Sweet 'n' Sour spareribs...
This ain't no red Xmas candy sauce!

Copyright 2012/2013
Sue-On Hillman
and Sue-On Hillman Eclectic Studio