![]() WELCOME TO SUE-ON'S HOME AND GARDEN SITE 2014 Gallery 3: Pagoda Tiered Planter Project click for full-screen images |
The beginning of something unique!
Ryan sets up his tools.
Measure twice, cut once!
Three of the four pyramid planters that Ryan made.
These are just set up temporarily - waiting for the glue to dry.
These planters can be taken apart very easily.
The tiers all come off and will sit one inside the other.
The three poles are set in brackets at the bottom and come apart.
There will be a "knob" to hold them together at the top.
They are about 5 feet tall.
Canada Day:
Pyramid planter set up in the front flower bed.
I put empty flower pots in the centre so it wouldn't require as
much soil.
I pulled a lot of the "blue bell flowers" - noxious weed but
fills the space,
moved iris plants, and lilies to make room for the pyramid.
Stuck some of the marigolds and geraniums that I had to move into
the planter
just to keep them alive until I can replant them somewhere.
I've got ornamental oregano for the top tier.
Now, to decide what else to put in.
Our Ryan wants me to plant clematis on the bottom to climb up, but
it may be too far into the season.
Planting in progress.
Still have one side to complete before I decide if I like this combination.
Colours will be blues, reds, silver, and multi
as I have the bottom tier filled with Dianthus - colours unknown...
I DO have ornamental oregano in the top tier.
I have some empty plastic pots in the centre just so I didn't have
to fill the core.
I also had to use some burlap in the top 3 tiers top keep the dirt
The plants are sitting in a trough of about 6" wide and the depth
of the planks.
There is a core of dirt they can root down into thru' the burlap.
Petunias are deep blue and deep red.
Lots of Dusty Miller, deep pink vinca, blue and white lobelia.
The powder blue in the second top tier... a new plant for me.
Lovely star-like flowers with a leaf like a thistle plant.
The Pagoda planter is set back against the "hill" of the front flower
It is surrounded by mauve iris, lilies, yellow coreopsis.
In front are coral bells, perennial salvia, red geraniums, orange
and red marigolds, and sedum along the left edge.
On the slope are Sweet Williams, Baby Elephant Ears, Day Lilies,
etc., etc....
The purple plants in the front are perennial salvia.
This one wandered from the original further back.
Project still in progress;-)
The second Pagoda temporarily placed in the circular flower bed
in the backyard,
amidst the various Hostas, Daylilies, Baby Elephant Ears, and Begonias.
The top tier is lopsided, but I dare not adjust it as I'd already
upset it once!
The mosquitoes took advantage of me while I was holding the pieces
as Bill re-set the legs. LOL!
The Pagoda in the jungle.
Now to decide...what plants?
I'll probably have to use mainly shade plants as there are big trees
all around the backyard
The pagoda in the backyard circular flower bed.
It sits in the midst of 5 different kinds of Hosta and a couple
of daylilies.
The periwinkle blue flowers are something new for me this year:
Blue Star Creeper (Pratia pedunculata).
It's suitable for full sun or part shade. Got that at GreenSpot.
The colour attracted my attention, then also the half price sale;-)
Along side of these are red and green- speckled white Hypoestes.
Nierembergia and Browallia Blue Bells are also in the tiers.
Trailing plants are Illumination Vinca Minor, Asparagus Fern, and
a big purple thingie whose name I have forgotten.
Also tucked into the tiers are red Vinca and purple and white Trachelium.
Had 4 begonias (2 yellow and 2 red) left over from the front, so
tucked those into one of the tiers.
Other parts of the barkyard:
Two tiers of delphiniums, daylilies, more hostas, Russian Sage,
Calendula are pretty lush with all the rain we've had.
North side of the backyard Pagoda.
Planted mostly bronze-leaved begonias in red and white,
with scattered Dusty Miller and a Purple Sweet Potato Vine at the
e-Mail: sueon@wcgwave.ca