Britain’s Bomber Balloon
Against Nazi Germany
British female military auxiliaries handle a barrage
balloon ~ Incendiary sock unit
Between 1942 and 1944, the British
Royal Air Force and Royal Navy frequently got to bickering over a certain
issue. It was, oddly enough, to do with a program pushed by the Royal Navy’s
Captain Gerald C. Banister, Director of Boom Defense to use free-flying,
eight foot wide, hydrogen-filled balloons to sabotage German infrastructure.
The RAF was often concerned about
the balloons interfering with their air operations and rightly so. The
German Luftwaffe was endlessly harassed by these simple devices and to
the Admiralty and British Chief of Staff, that alone was worth the small
cost for deploying these balloons. And the toll on German infrastructure,
forests and farmland was greatly more lucrative to the British war effort.
Mind you, there were also some
pretty monumental accidents with the program, but for the most part, these
relatively cheap, clever and amusing little devices were a delightfully
successful tool in the British arsenal. It was Operation Outward.
The lightbulb of this idea first
clicked on with the Air Vice Marshal of the Balloon Command, who oversaw
barrage balloon operations intended to defend against low-flying Luftwaffe
bombers. It was suggested to launch balloons that would fly into German
territory using radio trackers and triangulation to follow their course.
The idea was initially turned down as, well, silly.
But after a monstrous storm in
mid-September 1940, when several barrage balloons came loose, drifted over
the North Sea and reaped havoc on electrical infrastructure in Sweden and
Denmark, Prime Minister Winston Churchill asked that the strategic value
of balloon attacks on Germany be assessed.
The Air Ministry once again deemed
the whole idea rather silly and shot it down (so to say). Captain Banister
pushed the idea through the Admiralty, however, and after studying the
factors carefully, they decided the idea was brilliant.
Here’s what they found: In studying
meteorological concerns, they discovered that the winds above 16,000 ft
(needed for such devices to float the distance and direction from Britain
to Germany) almost always went West to East, meaning the Germans couldn’t
retaliate in kind. Also, the whole apparatus of the balloons and their
sabotage devices were not only relatively cheap (about £85 at current
day equivalent), but could be made almost exclusively with surplus materials.
Women of WRNS launching Outward
balloons at Felixstowe
The rigged-up balloons themselves
were designed thoroughly and with great imagination. Inside surplus eight-foot
wide latex weather balloons filled with hydrogen, the Navy inserted a wire
so that as the balloon rose and continued to expand it would tighten the
cable and stop the ascent at 25,000 ft. (7,600 m). They also added a slow-burning
fuse that was calibrated, using calculated arrival time over Germany, to
activate a slow drip from a can of mineral oil to lighten the balloon’s
load and slow its decent.
The same slow-burning fuse was
also rigged to the balloons’ weapons. These weapons came in two forms:
wires and incendiaries.
and Igniting
When the fuse triggered the
wire apparatus, the balloon would drop a 300 ft (91 m), 1.8mm diameter
steel wire at the end of a 700 ft (210 m) hemp cord. The wire would then
trail below the balloon until it (with any luck) struck German power lines,
shorting out the lines and damaging electrical infrastructure to a great
degree. These worked to varying success but certainly succeeded quite frequently.
The incendiary devices came in
several forms and were intended to ignite forests and fields. One design
was a metal canister which contained seven or eight half-pint bottles filled
with white phosphorus, benzene, and a strip of rubber which would melt
inside. When the fuse activated the device, it would tip over and drop
the bottles which would shatter and ignite.
The second kind of device was
simply a metal imperial gallon container filled with jelly that would ignite
into a 20 ft fireball.
Incendiary sock unit
then there was the incendiary sock, a tube filled with wood wool and coated
in wax which, when dropped, formed a V shape to get it stuck in a tree
where it would then burn down over 15 minutes, hopefully catching the forest
ablaze. Luckily, the Royal Navy already had about 10,000 of these things
just lying around.
The first launch site for Operation
Outward was a golf club in Suffolk in Britain’s Southeast. Over 200 officers
and non-commissioned men and women from the Royal Marines and Women’s Royal
Naval Service, under the command of Boom Defense were responsible for lofting
these little gifts to Germany into the air on days with favorable weather.
They had to coordinate with the Air Ministry, as well, to avoid damaging
British aircraft, which led to the bickering first mentioned.
Between March 20th, 1942 and
September 4th, 1944, Operation Outward launched 99,142 balloons, sometimes
as much as 1,800 over the course of a few hours.
The results were spectacular,
probably bringing cheeky grins to many faces in the Admiralty.
The first indication of success
was chatter heard in Luftwaffe communications of German pilots chasing
down these devilish balloons. The cost of fuel and wear and tear to their
aircraft was already far outweighing the cost the Royal Navy put into the
Throughout the remainder of the
war, intelligence and various news articles in occupied areas like France
and Denmark provided some reports of forest and farm fires and many power
outages caused by shorted wires in Germany. The personnel and material
needed to attend to these situations were far from negligible.
After the war, a report studying
German records concluded the damage done by Operation Outward was, at the
very least, £1.5 million worth (or £49 million in 2016). Of
course, records were both incomplete and not even available from the Russian
occupied zone.
and Lows
Highlights and glaring mistakes
from Operation Outward include: when a wire balloon hit an 110,00-volt
line near Leipzig, Germany in July 1942 causing a transformer failure at
the Böhlen power station which then burned to the ground.
On the other side, one balloon
got caught by a wind and headed for England and knocked out power in the
town of Ipswich. In a grave incident the night of September 19th, 1944,
one balloon drifting over Sweden caused two trains to crash at Laholm.
WAAF preparing a balloon for launch