JIMMY AND ROSALYNN CARTER In 1927 in Plains, Georgia, a three-year-old boy named Jimmy Carter lived next door to an auto mechanic, Francis Smith, and his pregnant wife, Allie. That August, Allie went into labor, and Jimmy's mother, a nurse, helped deliver her daughter. The next day, little Jimmy went next door and peered into the crib. The baby inside was named Rosalynn.
Absolutely Amazing!As a teenager, "Rosie" had a fierce crush on Jimmy, but he was three years older, and apparently took little notice of the shy kid next door. During WWII, he left town to join the Naval Academy. One day in the summer of 1945, Jimmy returned to Plains on vacation. While riding in the rumble seat of a friend's Ford, he looked toward the United Methodist church and saw Rosie, now seventeen and all grown up, standing out front. He was gobsmacked. Jimmy hopped out of the rumble seat and asked her to the movies. She jumped right in. He came home that night and told his mother that the baby she'd delivered seventeen years earlier was the girl he was going to marry.
Jimmy and Rosalynn married on July 7, 1946, in their hometown of Plains. Theirs is the longest marriage in presidential history. They have known each other for almost one hundred years.
FAVOURITE JIMMY CARTER QUOTES: I'm not in favor of the government mandating a prayer in school because our country was founded on the fact that no particular religious faith would have ascendance over or preferential treatment over any other.The government ought to stay out of the prayer business.
“To be true to ourselves, we must be true to others.”
“To be true to ourselves, we must be true to others.” — Jimmy Carter, in his Inaugural Address“The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices.”
“The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices.”
“I have one life and one chance to make it count for something... My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”
“Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries.”
“America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense… human rights invented America.”
“We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.”
“You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than you think you can.” — Jimmy Carter
"My position has always been, along with many other people, that any differences be resolved in a nonviolent way."
“We have to inspire our children and grandchildren to take on challenges and risks that at first may seem to be overwhelming, or even impossible. They need to understand that the only failure is not trying.”
“When I reflect upon my blessings during my very nice lifetime, I am inspired to make sure that I spend the balance of the days of my existence in a productive way.”
“I believe that anyone can be successful in life, regardless of natural talent or the environment within which we live. This is not based on measuring success by human competitiveness for wealth, possessions, influence, and fame, but adhering to God's standards of truth, justice, humility, service, compassion, forgiveness, and love.”
“Sometimes we face potential failure, and we have to remember to try anyway to find a way to reach our goal. We can overcome many global problems and build a better world if we all work together as a community”
“Earlier in my life, I thought the things that mattered were the things that you could see, like your car, your house, your wealth, your property, your office. But as I've grown older I've become convinced that the things that matter most are the things that you can't see — the love you share with others, your inner purpose, your comfort with who you are.”
“Failure is a reality; we all fail at times, and it's painful when we do. But it's better to fail while striving for something wonderful, challenging, adventurous, and uncertain than to say, ‘I don't want to try because I may not succeed completely.’”
“In recent years, I have spoken out the best I could about the abuse of religious scriptures to promote various forms of violence, including the death penalty, discrimination and abuse of women, and unjust resort to warfare. These are direct violations of my own faith and other great religions, which are founded on love, kindness to strangers, not judging others, justice, and resolving disputes in the least violent manner.”
“I’m not in favor of the government mandating a prayer in school because our country was founded on the fact that no particular religious faith would have ascendance over or preferential treatment over any other.”
“When our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters are considered both different and inferior in the eyes of the God we worship, this belief tends to permeate society and everyone suffers.”
“We have a tendency to condemn people who are different from us, to define their sins as paramount and our own sinfulness as being insignificant.”
“We generally fail to realize is that all the major religions have the same basic principles. Everyone professes to believe in peace, professes to believe in hospitality, professes to believe in caring for those in need, professes to be generous with our time and with our money to others who are in desperate states.”
“In our democracy, the only title higher and more powerful than that of president is the title of citizen. It is every citizen’s right and duty to help shape the future legacy of our nation.”
“In this great country of ours, it is inexcusable that so many children grow up in poverty and despair. The well-being of our children must be the national priority and the responsibility of every individual.”
“My nation is hardly perfect in human rights. A very large number of our citizens are incarcerated in prison, and there is little doubt that the death penalty is imposed most harshly on those who are poor, black, or mentally ill. For more than a quarter century, we have struggled unsuccessfully to guarantee the basic right of universal health care for our people. Still, guaranteed civil liberties offer every citizen an opportunity to change these laws.”
“So I think that we need to be more reluctant to go to war, and to go there only in desperate conditions when all avenues towards peace are exhausted, including good-faith discussions, either directly with our potential adversaries or through a trusted intermediary.”
“We need a fair and responsible national policy that enforces laws and protects the human rights of those on our country who are not yet citizens.”
“Our nation has long been a beacon of hope for those fleeing violence or persecution. [Rosalynn and I] urge Americans to open their hearts to these refugees and support them as they work to build new lives here among us. We stand with the people of Ukraine in their courageous fight for democracy and freedom.”
“I can tell you without any equivocation that the number one abuse of human rights on Earth is the abuse of women and girls.”
“Women are key agents of the changes we need. Women are excluded from leadership in religion, in family and community decision-making, and in legislatures and other political offices. When half of the world’s population is not consulted on important decisions and policies, it is no wonder that so many problems persist.”
“We are of course a nation of differences. Those differences don't make us weak. They're the source of our strength.”
“When people are intimidated about having their own opinions, oppression is at hand.”
“If you fear making anyone mad, then you ultimately probe for the lowest common denominator of human achievement.”
“In every instance that I have known of with confrontation with the government and the press, the press was always right. So keep it up.”
“To learn how to use new technology is very good, because it gives people access to each other’s thoughts and beliefs and it breaks down national barriers, religious barriers, and generic values.”