Bill Hillman Presents

 What do atheists see when they look at the SHROUD of Turin?
The shroud that dates back to the 13th/14th century?
It's a shroud that’s been confirmed to have been made in medieval times that some think Jesus was wrapped in after he was crucified.
But obviously Jesus was allegedly crucified and entombed around 2000 years ago. The 1st century if you will.
This shroud was made around 1300 years after Jesus died.
There's no way he was entombed in it.
No more to read into it than that I guess. Atheist or otherwise.

One of the multitude of scientifically revealed medieval fake relics created on an almost industrial scale.

It’s a painting. If it weren’t the face would be stretched out when the shroud lay flat, and it isn’t. Also when it was tested for blood only paint, red ochre and vermilion, were found. I see people desperate to prove their feelings have foundation. The shroud is work of art just like all the paintings and statues of Jesus. They are lovely works of art.

I see a historical artifact, interesting not because it is several years old, but because it demonstrates how unscrupulous fraudsters make money out of the faith that people have in their religious beliefs. The Shroud of Turin is only circa 13th century, but it has going on a lot longer than that, the nails allegedly used to pin JC to the cross discovered by Helena, mother of Constantine, patron saint of archeologists, being a prime example. Sadly the practice of con artists, fraudsters, tax evasion using religion is still going on today.

Fraudilous commerce. The same goes for wood from the cross Jesus carried (you can build an house with the pieces), blood that gets flowing again (priestess know how to make it and let it flow by heating the “blood” with their body warmth), the crying Maria (again a heat applying trick).
Or the paperwork the sold to rich people to get in heaven faster…
Anything goes when the church can get their hands on money.

I see fakery, just like your religion and all the others.

Atheists don't see the shroud of Turin. In fact, nobody sees the shroud of Turin. It isn't on display. You can see the chapel in Turin, where we are told it is kept in secure, climate controlled storage. But you have to buy a ticket. Now I may be an atheist, but I am not so stupid I would pay money to not see this famously debunked hoax. But you do you.

A medieval forgery (as proved by science) that we admittedly don’t yet know how it was achieved, (but I personally suspect the fire it was exposed to affected an earlier staining).

A Christian forgery that has been used for centuries to fleece pilgrims and other visitors of their money .
It has been dated to between 1260 - 1390. Centuries after the believed death of Jesus - in 33 AD.
Another great example of Christian honesty.

I see an attempted scam. Par for the course with religions.

A dirty bed sheet.

As fake as that image of Jesus that appeared on your fried egg; Remember that?
As fake is that image of Zeus that appeared on that slab of bacon a month ago.
As fake as that image of Thor that appeared in that shadow on your bedroom wall, when you were trying to get to sleep.
As fake as that image of Bigfoot, that mysteriously appeared when you were wiping down your bathroom mirror a few weeks ago.

Just another religious fraud that keeps the gullible giving money to a demonstrably criminal organisation.

A painting.
If it were the imprint of a real body it would show a continuous image including the sides. Only a two dimensional flat figure could have left separate front and back images like that. Let’s not even mention that dead bodies can’t hold their hands modestly over their genitals, or that hair on a body that’s lying flat won’t hang down like it does on someone who is standing.

I see a hoax.
I would expect a wider face and distorted features if it were a real shroud.

The Shroud of Turin may well be real. But that is still no proof that it comes from the person of Jesus. Jesus was an illegitimate child. In order not to be stoned for premarital sex, Joseph and Mary had to invent the fairy tale of impregnation by an angel and the virgin birth. Jesus believed all of this and was therefore absolutely convinced that he was the son of a heavenly power. So the whole Christian faith is the result of the sexual misconduct of a 15 year old temple girl from Judea. So that's what I think when I see the shroud

Atheist artist here. What I hear believers say about the shroud is that it was supernaturally imprinted with the image of Jesus by having been wrapped around his body. The image itself gives no credence to that hypothesis. (Indeed, but for the smooth modeling, the drawing itself is pretty lame) The only thing about the shroud that used to impress me is that it's a negative image. But I have seen videos showing practical experiments credibly demonstrating how the thing was probably produced.
I see a damaged antique rag with a medieval depiction of a man.

Fraudilous commerce. The same goes for wood from the cross Jesus carried (you can build an house with the pieces), blood that gets flowing again (priestess know how to make it and let it flow by heating the “blood” with their body warmth), the crying Maria (again a heat applying trick).
Or the paperwork the sold to rich people to get in heaven faster…
Anything goes when the church can get their hands on money.

I see a not very accurate attempt to create a forgery, either for profit, power, or to curry favor with a collector. It has value today as an historical relic, just not from the appropriate era of history that deluded believers would like. As an aside, if you gathered together all the splinters of the “true cross” you could probably build a three bedroom ranch house.
Even the Vatican does bot recognize it a a legitimate artifact. They would jump at the opportunity to have a 2,000 year old piece of cloth . A extremely rare and difficult thing to preserve. Perhaps in a glacier. But definitely not in the hot humid Mediterranean coast . It definitely would not be a man living in what we call Judea 2,000 years ago. They simply would not have those facial structures . Those are of a Northern European. From probably 1,000 to 500 CE .
Throughout early history churches and monasteries claimed to have holy relics, the bones or an artifact from a saint were common. The relics were put on display, people made pilgrimages to see them and make offerings for special intervention for healing or help. The offerings were income critical to the operations of the establishment. More than a few relics were faked, an ancient form of tourist attraction.

Carbon dating puts the age of the linen to within 100 years of the first recorded documentation of the shroud, 1354 in France. Tests of the image suggest it was painted on and is not blood. There are those who dispute the evidence, the desire to believe is very powerful.
Personally I think it’s one more of the faked relics, but it is still a remarkable piece of religious history to have survived 700–800 years.
I see a PROVEN HOAX that religtards STILL LIE ABOUT. 40 years AFTER it was disproven. Good work proving once again that religtards (an accurate term) are liars.
When an educated Western individual looks at the shroud of Turin (or at any other so-called mystical object) he/she glimpses upon an elaborate fake totem set up during the Middle Ages in order to mollify and impress millions of ignorant peasants and/or a few dogmatically brainwashed members of the nobility, given that nearly every European alive during that era subsisted in sheer awe and fear of an alleged “hell.”

Nowadays, our moral compass is mostly guided by logic, common sense, the rule of law, and corroborated scientific principles, with the possible exception of the oppressed uneducated masses within the merciless domains of the Islamic world.
Modern Western individuals may possibly adjust their religious morality according to some internal moral compass they already have. They might even choose the mythological temple(s) to which they go, according to how well the teachings of such “sanctuary” match up with what they feel is right or wrong.
They see a fake (drawn) imprint of a face. Here is how you can tell it’s fake. Put some face paint or other safe colored substance on your face. lay on your back and drape a cloth over your face. Let the color get into the cloth. Then pull off the cloth and take a look at it. It won’t be shaped like a face as we see it and it won’t be shaped like the shroud of Turin face. The imprint will be very much wider and disproportionate. The only way an imprint would look like a face is if the face were perfectly flat.
The supposed 'Shroud of Turin' has zero credibility. I find it astonishing that some 'Christians' look at this sheet and proclaim it the image of Chist. I can only assume these people have never read the biblical account of the burial.
In the Middle Ages and Renaissance there was a healthy market for religious artifacts. Many were manufactured. The Shroud of Turin I believe was dated to the 14th or 15 century
It's got a distinct gothic era vibe, the facial proportions are not accurate.

The artist who painted it even admitted it isn't real.
It's just a painting.
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