Words and Music by Bill Hillman ~ Album No. 5 | CD 12
Vocals by Bill & Sue-On
Run Run Run with me my child
We're runnin' free and we're running wild
Run Run Run with me my child
The revenuers hounds make the gators look mild

My papa raised me up on a river boat
Poaching alligators and every thing afloat
Papa did all rightand he kept us fed
But when he saw the law here's what he said...

Papa kept a still in the bayou land
Made the best whiskey that a belly could stand
The money made a living for my Papa and me
But when the law came my Papa would say...

When my Mama up and died my Papa cried hard
She left him just me and the Louisiana mud
We had to make a living by the sweat of our brow
Papa found a way right then and now...