Hillman Family Xmas Massive Missive 2024 Edition

Procrastination is the excuse for
being late this year. First, we can blame it on the weather as there is
finally an accumulation of snow and some frigid temperatures to say
that it’s winter and close to Christmas! Secondly, the lingering postal
strike means we can’t mail out any Christmas cards and letters!
But here we are at last, electronically, to catch you up on the Hillman Clan.
We're going to take a different twist with our family missive. We asked
each of the kids to send news about their lives, or Momma was going to
make up wild and crazy stories about them. They took the threat
The big event of 2024 was the arrival of Arthur Lee Pettitt!
We had the big announcement via Golden Retriever Big Brother Butters’s
kerchief when China and Scott were home for Xmas 2023. We didn’t notice
the big announcement until China showed us the words on the kerchief,
and of course, big tears of joy!
Christmas Greetings from Two VERY Busy New Parents: Scott and China-Li
China and Scott welcomed baby Arthur Li Pettitt into the world on Aug 10, weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz.
We are enjoying parental leave together. Scott is teaching some classes
at the paramedic college, which he really enjoys. Arthur is starting to
roll, and already charming everyone with his big smiles. Big brother Butters is helping out with baby, and is counting down the days until Arthur can sneak him snacks under the table.
**(Gung-Gung and Po-Po love getting daily pictures and videos of Arthur.)
Merry Christmas from Ja-On, Angela and family
What a wonderfully crazy full 2024 we have had.
Daughter Inara has found the
love of the stage and has been very active in our local Mecca
performance troupe in Brandon. She auditioned and won performing roles
with speaking lines, solo singing parts, and dance this year in the
Lion king Jr and Alice in Wonderland to name a few. Inara is following
in the musical ways of the Hillman clan, taking up the flute in the
school band. Her artistic skills are amazing, creating most elaborate
masks and other works of art.
10 year old Tayla has excelled
in her gymnastics and is now in foundations 4 delta at Eagles
Gymnastics Center. Her physical strength and ability is amazing, and
her commitment to training, which equals 3 full hours 4 times a week is
inspiring. When she is not training she can be found with her nose in a
book or playing Barbies with friends. She too loves to craft and draw
and often will gift family and friends with her creations.
Youngest member of the family is Neelo the Morkie. He’s the most enthusiastic greeter of all visitors to the house!
Ja-On and Angela are always
busy running our very busy massage therapy clinic or chauffeuring our
girls to activities. This summer I joined Ja-On in his love of
motorcycles and spent the summer learning how to ride with him at my
side. Ja-On is either treating his many clients who swear by his
unparalleled ability to heal, or working tirelessly in his office on
his many projects. We can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store for us!
Seasons Greetings from the East Coast Clan: Robin, Jen & Family
This year, we continued exploring our beautiful island home of
Newfoundland, where we’ve now lived for over two years. The solar
eclipse passed right over us in April, and we chased clear skies to get
a perfect view. One of our favourite adventures was a trip to Elliston
to see the puffins, who live right on the coast. We were happy to have
a visit from cousin Cindy and Mark, who came to see Newfoundland for
themselves. Sharing meals, stories, and a bit of the local charm with
them was a highlight of our summer.
Robin has been busy working
remotely as a business analyst with Tactica Interactive. He has just
been promoted to “Lead of Design & Analysis” - the perfect
Christmas present!” His daily commute? Rain or shine, he rides his
motorcycle to a co-working space where he's able to socialize with
other remote workers.
Jen continues her work in HR as
a recruitment specialist with Association for New Canadians, and still
finds time to volunteer with the Special Olympics. When she’s not
crocheting, sewing, or baking up something delicious, she can be seen
hiking along the stunning ocean trails for which Newfoundland is famous.
19 year old daughter Oriyen has
been working at Dairy Queen and loving the freedom of driving around
town in her spare time. She’s made lots of new friends through work and
is starting to think about her next steps – possibly a flight program
in Brandon come 2026.
11 year old daughter River has
had a busy year! She’s playing trumpet in school, and is back in a
French-focused classroom after two years away from immersion. She’s
also earned her orange belt in karate, made some great friends, and
discovered a love for hiking and exploring the outdoors. (Seems River,
like her cousins Inara and Tayla, has the Hillman DNA for music and
Karate. Nana has learned that River loves to cook, and will spend time
this Xmas making her favourite food, Joong and Baos while visiting her
in Manitoba!)
Our fur-buddies: Jovi (4)
our friendly lick-happy dog, gets to go on morning walks with Robin
every day, always finding new and exciting spots to sniff out. She's
always making friends wherever she goes.
Our cats, Buzzy and Louie (14 & 5) are as mischievous as ever — always underfoot and endlessly cute.
As for the seniors in this clan, Bill and Sue-On keep on keeping on!
Bill, in spite of the
neuropathy in his hands, continues to research, create, and maintain
his weekly webzine, and +15,000-page website on SF adventure author
Edgar Rice Burroughs. This project began in 1996 and continues to grow
as fans reach out via phone calls and emails with contributions from
all over the globe. Not globetrotting these days allows for walks down
memory lane. Bill then adds new tibits of what we remember to update
our family history, our Musical Odyssey, on-line memoir, travel
adventures, and various volunteer websites ( He got a new computer in the fall, and that presented challenges. He conquered and adapted, and nothing stops him!
Sue-On: I haven’t increased the
garden size, but do try to cram in more plants every spring. While out
stringing Xmas lights on the garden ornaments, our neighbor while out
with his snowblower, shouted: “It’s too early to plant!” I can dream
and plan ;-) I still try to get to aquacize 3 times a week at the YMCA.
I was having trouble with arthritis on the knees, and my family doctor
ordered braces. They really help with balance and keeping the knees
from twisting. If you follow me on facebook, it’s evident that cooking
is still a priority!
Whew! Now that you’ve been “caught - up”, we’ll look forward to hearing about you!
Merry Christmas, and All the Best in 2025!
The Hillmans